COMMUNITY CHURCH ST. MARTIN'S PARISH Sunday, October 26, 1952 Saturday, October 25, 1952 9:30 a.m, ~ Senior Sunday School Confessions - 3 to 4 p.m, 11:00 a,m., = Junior Sunday School 7 to 8 p.m, ' 11:00 a.m. ~ Morning Worship . Sunday, October 26th "Fruits of the Reformation" Masses ~ 8:15 and 10:00 g.m. 7:00 p.m, - Evening Service Ushers - Al McColl "A Message for Hallowé'en" : John Falzetta 8:30 p.m, = The October meeting of the Rosary & Benediction « 7:30 p.m. Church Board will be held at the home of Mr, & Mrs, H, Good- During Benediction, the Act of Consecra- fellow, Poplar Crescent, : tion to the Sacred Heart will be recited, Friday, October 24th 7:00 p.m, - Choir Practice, Immediately following Benediction, a : meeting of St, Martin's Club will be held in Wayside Pulpit the Church Basement, The newly elected "A Devout Family Circle need not fear officers are as follows: Pres, - P, E, Boud~_.- Triangles" reau, Vice-Pres. - W, Vezina, Sect. = Mel 0-0-0 ; Nicol, Treas. - F. Kelly, HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The October mecting of the Home and Wednesday, October 29th a School Association was held in the Public 7:30 p.m. - Rosary & Benediction School Monday evening, the 20th. Choir Practice will be held after Mrs, Lois Hopper was speaker for the devotions, : meeting and enlightened her audience consid- : erably on the life and paintings of the Confiryation ) ] : Canadian artist, Tom Thompson, one of the The Sacrament of Confirmation will be "Group of Seven" who first dopicted Cenada administered by His Excellency, Bishop Ed- as Canada really is, It was regrettable ward Q. Jennings, Diocese of Fort Williem, the film "Westwind" did not arrive in time on Sunday, November 9th in the evening, for the meeting, but it was suggested that DSO it be requested for the coming month, Mr, Dave Locking concluded the program with a very lively game of "Gossip". Mrs, Kay Holancin and her committee served luncheon during the social hour. A WORD TO THE WISE * Now that our winter season is close at hand and we will be planning all kinds of activities and using a lot of decorations of various types for our parties, etc., we hi 0=0-0 should be wise and use only such paper decor- OPEN BOWLING ations that are fire-resitant for our homes Thursday ~- 7 to 11 p.m. and public halls, Keep all decorations 8 ¥riday = 7 %0 11 p.m. feet from floor level, do not use paper Saturday ~ 1 to 5 p.m. & 7 to 11 p.m. streamers across a room or hall, or around Kegler Club Members can bowl on Sunday or over electric lights. - "A word to the from ll to 5 D.o. wise" i There is still Thursday night from 7 0-0-0 to 11 p.m. open for any club or organization FOR SALE wishing to form a league whether you require 1949 Ford Coach in good condition. 2, 4, 6 or 8 alloys. Reservations for the Good tires ~ 27000 miles, Apply C. Roddy, alleys on Thursday night can be made by call- Time Card #513, 46 Hudson Drive. ing 245 betwocn the hours of 7 and 11 Pa 0-0-0 0-0-0 SAFETY, SLOGAN Thursday Noon October 23rd to ® Trrsdey Noon October 30th et Tntn HOUSEKEEPING IS EVERYBODY'S Jos' Jack Dawson of the Techuloal -Deparinent- was.- Sha Sukyvizner of dast-vaskle$5.00-Sasoty Slogan. Congratulations! A od