Volume 7, No. 38 Var K enNNY LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY (tober 2nd, 1952, me UESDAY The dance of the year will be held at the Recreation Hall with dancing from 9:30 to 1 4¥, Pick up your tickets from any member of the Kiwanis Club or at t he Imperial Bank. A limited number of tickets will also be on sale at the door the night of the dance, 0-0-0 HI~JINKS Last week one of the annual events of High School Life was held - the initiation of lst year students. During the week the students were re- quested to arpear in certain attire which created a great deal of amusement throughout the town, On Friday, Kangaroo Court was held with Richard Marcella as Judge, Laurie Marsh as Prosecuting Attorney and Reg LeBlanc as Defending Lawyer. The Jury consisted of th follQwing people: Terry Melnnes, Janice Erickson, Grace Marcotte, Myrna Rhae Gordon Helen Laundy and Mavis MacFadyen, This was the most trying moment of the whole ordeal for the 9th Graders as it was at this mom- ent they would know what task had been meted out to them by the Senior Students, Knowing from the experience related by stu- dents of other years, they were prepared for the worst. Decisions by the Court: Jimmy Sweet rolled an egg with his nose, from the hill by the bank to the Hudson Bay; Joyce Sitch pushed Jimmy Erickson in a wheelbarrow wherever she was directed to go; John Palmer pushed a barrel wherever he was di-~ rected to go by his keever; Albert Valentino traced his footsteps from Hudson Bay to the: theatre with Johnny Boudreau washing them (continued on page 3) 4 WARDROPE SEES GREAT FUTURE FOR TERRACE BAY Tuesday night George Wardrope M.P.P. spoke at the Kiwanis ladies night. Guests included his wife Blanche, Marg Storey, Iola Smith, Dave and Tops Locking, Doug Harris and Don and Harriette Porter, and of course all the Kiwanians wives, Mr. Wardrope painted a glowing picture of Terrace Bay and the surrounding area and its limitless possibilities, He said that Terrace Bay is one of the 17 cities and towns making the Lakehead and the Thunder Bay district great, He quoted statistics to show how the Lakehead is and will con~ tinue to be one of Canada's most important industrial and transportation centres, He told how the Lakehead is now the greatest grain port in the world handling 110 million bushels of grain, how develop- ments in mining at Steep Rock, the natural gas pipeline from Alberta to Montreal and the St, Lawrence Seaway will tremendously increase the Lakehead's growth and impor- tance, He told how the St, Lawrence Seaway will make the Lakehead an ocean port with access tc any ocean port in the world sav- ing 5¢ to 7¢ per bushel of wheat. He also told of watching fully mechan- ical logging in the woods operations and also lauded Terrace Bay for their progress- ive policies and development, He stated emphatically that the Trans-Canada highway would be completed with temporary bridges as far as Marathon by next July. 0-0-0 FOR SALE Rangette - 5 months old in very good condition, Apply time card 134,