Volume 7, No. 37 NEW ENTERPRISE COMMENCES OPERATION: Opening Thursday, September 25th, Wag- horn's Pharmacy is now located in a section of the building formerly used by S, Buco- vetsky Limited, The proprietor, Lionel Waghorn, announces hours as follows: Monday - Saturday - 9 AM ~ 9 PM Sundays & Holidays: 10 AM to 12 Noon 1PM to 5 PM 7 PM to 9 PM It is understood that the new estab- lishment will provide prescription com- pounding service; also magazines, smokers' supplies, children's books, stationery, cameras and films, greeting cards and other sundry items. 0-0«0 W.H. CLIFFORD ADDRESSES SUPERVISORS GROUP On Tuesdey evening last, W,H, Clifford Vice~President (in cherge of Finance) of Longlac Pulp and Paper Company Limited and of Kimberly Clark Corporation, addressed the Longlac Supervisors group and presented a most interesting talk on the financiel history and growth of Kimberly-Clark and its subsidiaries and affiliates since in=- ception in 1872, A very interesting 35- minute sound film of the operations in all mills and townsites was also shown. From the very enthusiastic reception given Mr, Clifford by the supervisors group, this meeting may be considered one of the most interesting of the Monthly Dinner Meetings yet held, 0~0=~=20 DON'T FORGET! YOU SUPPORT THE KIDS HALLO= WE'EN PARTY AND OTHER KIWANIS PROJECTS AS WELL AS GIVING YOURSELF A TREAT WHEN YOU BUY A BOX OF KIWANIS CLUB B.C. AFPLES. 0~0-0 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY September 25th, 1952. FIRE SPOILS ALL If you were to go hunting or fishing around or away from Terrace Bay, you have a particularly personal interest in pre- venting forest fires, for it is a well- known fact that nothing ruins good hunt- ing and fishing faster than a bush fire, True, the economic prosperity of Terrace Bay depends on the forests. True, too, unemployment and poverty always follow in settlements close to burned-over areas, but let's put those considerations aside for the moment, Let's think only of the effect of fires on sport, Let's remember animals cannot live in burnedeout forest land ~ that fish desert or die in the waters bounded by burned-out forests, birds 211 die or vanish in the wake of flames, Let's all decide that we have to do our utmost to protect our forests in or near Terrace Bay from firej because of their commercial and economic value, yes but also because fire spoils all, When we go hunting, fishing, or just walking in the bush, always remember that smoking in the bush is dangerous, so when you smoke, enjoy it, then be sure your pipe or cig- arette is out, ilways remember, fire spoils all. 0~0-0 The NOTICE: Ln electric belt sander has been mis- pleced by the Townsite painters somewhere in the townsite within the past month, Would anyone knowing the whereabouts or having information regarding it please con- tect Don Laporte at the Townsite Office or phone 226, This sander is urgently re- quired to complete the 1952 houses, 0-0-0