Volume 7, No, 36 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY oeptemoer i1otn, i952. Daciminton The Terrace Bay Badminton Club held . a meeting on Monday night and elected the following officers for the season: Clarence Buck - President Olyve Harrison - Vice-President Dave Locking - Secretary-Treasurer Pat Honer & Bill Borsum ~ Executive | Members, : Badminton season started last night | at 7:00 PM, The same nights of play as last vear are in effect, namely Wednesday and = Thursday night fron 73 00 to 11:00 and Sun- | day afternoon from 1 to 5. So come on out, folks, and let's get a real good start this | season, ; KIWANIS Last year the members of the Kiwanis Club rendered a real service to the commun-!: ity by selling and distributing to the res-. idents of Terrace Bay boxes of delicious : British Columbia Apples, : This effort was appreciated so much by those purchasing apvles last year that the Club is undertaking the same service again this year. i Before too long you will be called on by a member of the club to receive your order which will be delivered on arrival of apples early in October, : You may order a box of Fancy Anples: priced at $5.00, a box of Cees to sell at $4.65 or a Junior Box of Fancy grade, which. you will be able to buy for $2.75. 0-0-0 NOTICE Re ~ Hunting and Fishing Licences: No Licences will be sold between September 26th and October 3rd inclusive. T.K. Turner, House 108, 0~0~0 DO NOT FOLLOW THE FIRE TRUCK TO A FIRE - GIVE THE FIREMAN A CHANCE TO WORK AT A HYDRANT, 0= 0-0 >ECl>ON [ -Opens. "The ¥ Fay Clinic will be set up and operating near the Post Office on September 24th and 25th, It is the aim of the Ont~ ario Devartment of Health to X-ray all persons in Terrace Bay over 12 years of age, not attending school. Sehool pupils will be scheduled through their teacher, You should get a free chest x-ray be~ cause in its early stages, T.B. is accom- panied by no symptoms and x-ray is the only means of earlv diagnosis. If found in its early stages, T,B, can be cured in a short time, Hours at the clinic will be 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, It is free to all resi~ dents, Here are the answers to your ques- tions about this service, Q. I am healthy ~ why should I have a chest X-ray? A. Early tuberculosis is curable but gives no warning, The danger signs of tuber- culosis are usually NOT symptons of EARLY tuberculosis but of more advanced disease, A chest X-ray will show tuber- culosis in its early stage. Qe. I had a chest X-ray before, Why do I need another now? A, X-rays yearly are not too frequent to make certain that tuberculosis has not developed since your last one. Q. Is the X-ray examination compulsory? A, No, Attendance is voluntary but good sense and duty to your community should ensure your presence, . Will T get a report on my X-ray? A, (a) If the film is normal no revort is sent. (b) If the film shows abnormality whieh is definitely non~tuberculous you will (continued on page 3)