SOFTE. LL CH.TTER [t the time of going to press there arc ouly threc teams remaining in the Play-. offs. Section, while Salaried and Structural arc bitter rivals for supremacy in the Day Saetion, Perhaps the best way to summarize the results of playoffs to date would bg to review all games played: dnosday, iusust 6th - Shift No, 3 defentcd 2, &=7 to advance into their sect- ion. 13 inal." Thursfiny, uzust 7th = Riaried defeated Maintenauce, 14-3, and enrned the right to nest. ~2tructural in the Dey Sortie finals, in untimely injury to Stan Zwaresh's pitch- ing hand no doubt contributed tc the onc- sided vickory although Salaried wore value Shift No. Lor their-win, . Sunday, Cagust 10th - Shift No. 1 deferted Shift No.3, 10-7, in a closely fought gmo. nd nd on, Tussday, June 12th thoy proved it was ng geeidons whon they tagred Shift No, 3 with a Rl-3l 198%, Shift 1 are now "Champs" of ho and arc confidently ed; di ioe between Structural ond Solariad, Mopdoy, fmmust 11th - Structural hnmmercd an 8-3 victory over Salaried and with it tliey have now been installed as favourites 4c take the Dny Section laurels. However, "Sorecmer" MeDonsld and his boys (they "seream® too) are promisihg a complete reversal of form from that displayed on ha Robey : ; mes Coming Un: ; Thuredny, Jugust 12th, Structural VS. winaor Sclaried, Please note .zgme time is celled Lor bil% p.m, and: nob 6: 30 Puli 8 in the past. Tee If Structurnl wins 'tonite, Se finnls against Shift No. 1 will CONCH OE on Sunday at 2:30 pumsvend conbinuc on, Tuesday And Thursday evenings of next week, commencing nt 6:15 p.m. in cneh instance, If Snlaried win tonite, the third £Nmoe will be played on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. i Tinals will not start until Tuesday of noxt week. SOPIS. IL WIL -ST.R3Y meme appenrs tc be a great difference of opinion ns to which ballplayers should be plneed oii an ill-Star team, In crdorw, therefore, to ond, once and for all, the controversy surrcunding this question, the Scftb:ll Uxseutive is requesting nll play- ns alike to submit thoir version of an .1l-Star team. Nine players only, and a Coach, are to be submitted and their respective positions are to be clearly ind- (continued in next col.) TOG ovening yes me Pr de LE Shift #1 are victorious in the Shift - Gillis, . Woods, Page g SOFB.LL ".1L-STikS" (cont, from ccl. 1) icatcd. In addition, the Executive is request- ing that.o second or "alternate" .1l-Star se be picked in thé same manner, This fs particularly . requested so that an cxhibition wf or grmes, mey be arranged after the final playoffs, 4 SRE) has been made that perhaps these games could be played cn Labour Day. Here are the rules: 3 l. Nine*playors only to exch team, plus a Coach. 2. Mork ycur choice as "Team Nc, 1" or "Team No, 2" j 3e Sign it with your name. fb Entriocs will not be accepted after. Sunday, Jugust 24th, Your entries may be turned in porsonzily to any of the following - Ed Pineault, Eldon Vorostiea, - Dick Jones, Frank Thitfield, Den id Cavanaugh, "Pop Richards, cliff ' Dave McDonald, Chuek' Havilend, Joe Butler, Ozzie Drlzell, or, they can'be placed in either cof news boxes in the Townsite or in the Mill. : 0-0-0 SUTTMMELS TO M/IL.THON Under the sponsorship of the lieerenticn Cormittec, a party of twelve junior swimmers will journey to Marathen on Saturday to compete in their annuel Swimming Meet, Loveday, our Lifesuard-Instructor, has picked a strong toom of swimmers made up of Jimmy Sweet, Teck Marsh, Barry Marquis, Margaret Banks, Jane Porter, Lucille Jolin, Johnny Hamilton, Bryan Harvey, Marvin Steon, Valerie McDonnld, Lynne Porter and Mavis Frcd " Thorsteinson, The party will leave Terrace Bay. at 10:11 on Saturdey morning and will return at 7:20 p.n. on the same day, «ny. parents or adults who find themselves free tc meke the trip should make every effort to do so, as the youngsters will need all the vocal support thot they can get, Parents are re- quested to make sure that the children take notes tc our Lifeguard indicating their willingness to permit the children to make this trip. 0=0=0 FOR S..LE Eight piece bedroom suite, one Ccnnor washing machine, table and chairs, mantle radic. Contnet time card 803 - Townsite. o=0-cC T.XE TIME TO BE S/FE 0=0=0