TENNIS TOULRN JENT The Tennis Tournament currently under- way under the local Tennis Club is rapidly nearing completion, In the first round of the Singles, Don Whitley eliminatod Ossie Dalzell; Doris Lindskcog defeated F. Buhler; Hugh Brophy defeated Sheila Brophy and H. Boycott won by default from H. Krohn, In the second round, H. Boycott lost to E. ikpata who had drawn a bye form the first. On the Consolation side Frank Buhler defent- cd Sheila.Brophy,. On Fridey evening, the Doubles will got underway when .J1 Lindskoog and Bill Borsun will tnke on Hugh Brophy and Doris Lindskoog, On Saturday morning, we zet back to Singles, when Jl Lindskoog and Albert Cadieux will fight it out on the courts, and then on Saturday afternoon Frank Buhlcr and Don Whitley will take on .lbert Cedicux and Ossic Dalzell in the Doubles, It is hoped (with a breek from the weatherman) that all of the finnls con be plnyed off con Sunday, 0-0-0 ATTENTION MOTORISTS Your attention is directed to the des- ignated parking areas in front of the bus- iness houses at the Shopping Centre. There are sidewnlks leading from the fronts of the stores out to the roadway and if cars are parked at the end of these sidew-lks it causes the shoppers tc walk on tho newly- planted lawns when they wish to gain access to their own n~utomobiles or proceed home on foot, Ycu are therefore requested, when park- ing in that area to mnke sure that you lenve the sidewalk openings vacant, 0=0=0 L0C.L L..DIES DOWN IM..I..THON Last evening, at the School Ball Diam- ond, the loenl ladies took the visiting ladies softball team from Marathon into camp by a score cof 9-2. In spite of the chilly weather, this wos a well played gone cnjoycd by =o goolly gnthering of fans, The home team scored 9 runs on 14 hits and mode 1 orror behind the pitching of "Sparky" Black, who allowed only onc walk. The opp- osition scored 2 runs on 6 hits, and committed 3 errcrs while their pitcher per- mitted only 2 wnlks, Plans ~re in the making to stage a return match in Marathon in about 2 wecks time. 0=-0-0 S/FETY ISN'T SISSY - IT'S JUST PLAIN SRT Pnge N! VIMMING MEET IS PLANNED The 3rd /nnuel Swimmins leet, sponscred by thc Lecreation Committee, is being planned to take place on Saturday, iugust 23rd, or in case of inclement weather, cn Sunday, lugust 2th, : i complete schedule of events will appear in next week's "News", but in the moantine, all swimmers are advised to get in shnpe for the meet, While the events will be planned primarily to care for the children, some adult events have also been planned, Lrrangements are also underway to have o Red Cross Examiner visit Terrace Bay next week to hold examinations in the Junior Intermediate and Senior Classes. The co-op- eration of all parents is requested in this respect, to have the children toke instruct- ion (as regularly as the weather will permit) in preparation for these tests. Ld 0=0-0 MORNING WEDDING St. Martin's Loman Catholic Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding Lurust 9th ot 9 a.m. when Germaine Elizabeth, cldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jrthur LeBlanc, and «ustin Stenley MeMillan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, N. 8. Marsh of Fert Frances, Ontario, were united in marriage. Father J. E. Roenicke officiated at the ceremony. Wiss Mart Brown played the organ ond Sister Ste. Jean and Mrs, Jean Mousseau sang during the service. The bride was given in marriage by her fathor and llarielle LeBlanc attended as maid of honor. Tho best man was Bob Hales, ushers were Joe larcclla and Hugh Boudreau, and the altar boys were Ioger and Reg LeBlanc, broth- ers of the bride, 4 wedding breakfast for sixty fuests was held in the Hotel Terrace following the ceremony during which a toast to the bride was proposed by Father Roenicke, Prior to her marriage, Mrs, McMillan wns entertained by Mrs, Ul. McKenzie, Mrs. J. lloussecu, Mrs, Sax Lundbere and Mrs. Georse Doniels., On their return from a honeymoon trip spent in Fort Frances, Kenora and Duluth, Minn., Mr. & Mrs, McMillan will reside in Terrace Bay. 0-0-0 LCKNO LEDGELENT The "Driver's Prayer", which appears on the front page of this issue of the "News" appeared in the jiug. 8th issue of the Algoma Stecl News and we have token the liberty cf reprinting it here, 0~0-0 FL, SH}! STOP THE PRESS! In case tonight's game is cancelled due to rain - it will be played Friday at 6:15 1M,