Volume 7, No, 31 LLRGEST CIRCULLTION IN TERR.CE BiY lugust 7, 1952. QECAL DTON HoRE Wonther permitting, the Geraldton Softbell Club will be here on Sunday to tnke on a local "hand-picked" team with the gome slated to get underway at 3:00 p.m. This game will take the place of the one that was originally scheduled to teke place a couple of wocks ngo, but had to be post- poned duc to the untimely death of the Ger- aldton team's manager. Without = doubt, this Goraldton aggregration is a reonl smart ball club and from what we understand, have beaton Red Rock quite convincingly on sever- ~1 ocensions, so our boys will have to be on their toes if they are to tnke this game. Be sure to include this game on your week- ond progrrmme, folks, if you appreciate smart, snappy softball. HOUSE LE.GUE CHATTER Toast night Paul Coupal's Shift No, 3 team scored a thrilling 8 - 7 upset victory over Ed. Cavanaugh's Shift No. 2 team, thereby qualifying for the Shift Section finnls with Frank Vhitfield's No. 1 team. The geme last night was closely fought and from this corner it looked like No. 3 took advantnge of their share of the breaks and it cannot be denied they earned their win. Congratulations Paul and to Ed Cavanaugh: "Better luck next time". Tonight, Maintenance take on Selaricd for a sudden death gome to decide who will meet Structur~l in the Day Section finals, Managers Dave McDonald of Salaried and Chuck Haviland of Maintenance are both econ- fident of an casy victory and either way this game promises to be a hum~-dinger. Geme time is 6:30 p.m. but players are rc- quested to be on hand at 6:15 sharp. (continued on pnge 3) SUNDAY THINK S.FITY, ACT S.FELY AND ENJOY LIVING Tast Friday afternoon, Longlac Pulp and . Peper Company was presented with two National Safety Council awards (an "award of Merit" ond ao "Certificate of Achievement") by Mr. J. Fred Berry of Alton, Illinois. Mr, Berry presented the awards as Past General Chair- ~n and member of the National Scfety Council's Pulp and Pepor Scction Executive Committec, The awards were accepted by D. C. Porter, LongLee's Mill Manager and Dan Gillis, Pres- idont of Local 665, Fred Soughton ected as Mnstor of Ceremonies. in "ward of Merit" ponnant was raised on tho Mill flagpole by Bill Borsum, "Award of Merit" koy chains were distributed to all LonglLac employees. Tord has now been received that Kimberly- Clark Corporation (of which LongLac Pulp and Paper Company is a wholly owned subsidiary) has qualified for an "ward of Honor" (the Council's highest safety award to industry) by virtue of its low frequency rate during 1951 of 2.5. While no accident prevention program should be conducted solely for the purpose of winning swards and setting records, such achiovements are a measuring stick of the success of any program and as such are tang- ible evidence that safety pays dividends, So let's think safety, and act safely and enjoy living. o0=-0~-C ST.G! ST..G! ST..G! Don't Forget! Tomorrow night - Time: 8:15 p.m. ~- Place: Rec, Hall ~ Date: Friday, Lugust 8th, ~- Games and Refreshments, COME E,RLY - - - STLY LATE The drew for the 5 beautiful gifts now on display at the Hudson's Bay Store will tcke placc nt this affair,