SCFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS AS OF JULY 23rd Won Lost Points Salary wii 10 5 20 Structural - 10 L 20 Maintenance - 5 8 10 Townsite - 3 1 6 Shift #1 a Ln 3 22 #2 - 8 5 16 #3 - kL 7 8 # RAB i 1 L Runs - H. Krahn -(Shift #) - 28 Hits - H. Krahn -(Shift #1) - 23 ® A, Adrian - (Struct,) - 23 2B - CG, Simmer - (Shift #3) - 7 3 B - H, Krahn - (Shift #) -5 HR - J. Cavaneugh - Shift #2) - 6 Gomes Won - F. Whitfield - (Shift #) - 10 8.0, = A, Adrisn (Struct.) - 126 ir 8 2 H, Krahn = Shift #1 42 28 123 «548 M. Creig --- Struct. 20/013 18, 460 AJ ndrisn - Struct. 5015 (23 460 I. Burge - Shift #3 33 9 15 455 0. Dalzell = {Ssiary) 5421025 190 182 SCHEDULE FOR COMING WEEK Thurs. July 24 Shift 3 vs shift 2 Fri. July 25 Structural vs Maintenance Set. July 26 Shift 2 vs Shift) Sun. July 27 Tounsite vs Salaried 1:00 3:00 Geraldton vs Terrace Bay 6:30 Structural vs Mnintenance Mon. July 28 Salaried vs Townsite 411 ball players and umpires will be intercsted in a recent rule change by the Ontario imateur Softball Lssocintion 8 follows: "The strike zone is to include that ~pon between the armpits ~nd the knecs when the batter nssumes his natural stance at the plate™. TERR/CE B.Y SOFTB.LL CLUB HONOR RY MEMBERSHIP Purchasers of these Honorary Memberships are reminded to watch for the display of the beautiful gifts which will appenr in the 'Hudsons Bay store window for one weck commencing this weekend, Those of you who haven't as yet obtained your Membership are urged to contact one of the Canvassers real soon as the sale of these tickets will close on July 31st. 000 Page 3 {Cont'd from P.ze 1) Use of the lane will be purely voluntary ard frec of charge. The test will take from 5 to 10 minutes and those cors passing the test will receive an "0K." sticker for their windshield, C. rs which do not pass will reccive 2a card indicating how their lights arc defective: Then, when corrections have been made, these cnrs mey return to be OK'd nnd to receive their sticker. Sc, come on Crivors, Display ycur "0 .K." sticker nnd show the world you apc inte.csted in safe Criving. Defcet- ive cquipment is a major causc of auto accidents and bad headlights aro onc of the worst offenders. Make your cor s-fc. H-ve your headlights tested! Cail Es The following item is reprinted from a recont issue of the Toronto Daily Star: QUENCH TH.T SP.RK Persons who make their livelihcod in the words or in industrics mode possible by our forcst weplth should set an ©6X- ample to the rest of + he cormunity in the matte: of carefulness with fires. They should not throw away burning matches or lighted cigarette stubs or leave camp fircs smouldering. The records show that many of them Co. The nost recent number of Sylva, & magazine published by ~nd for members of the provineisl department of 1-nds ond forests, nnd written by M.. Jzck Dillon, charges that "fires core definitely caused by settlers, campers, logoing operations, smokers, rajlweys, prospectors, incenc- inrisn, and miscellaneous rensons," including lightning. 4 single forest conflegraticn nay destroy 320,000,000 worth of timbers and chart the government of Ontario out of large amounts of stumpage duss. Carcless- ness with comp fires and with things that ean make the woods 2 burning inferno that destroys homes, animal life and human beings is criminal. "hen ao man cousSes © disastrous forest fire by = moment's thoughtlessness, he can- not cxcuse himself merely by saying, "I didn't mean to." Thit is a pour, self convicting excusc. 0ill0ig 1 PIRTS WON'T VLLIT i!