RECLILATION COMMITIETR IEORGLNIZED In the past we had a recreation orgap~ ization consisting of an Executive Committocc and an /dvigory Committee. After a fair trial period of over two ycars this system has proved to be difficult to operate under our circumstances, In order to be of the greatest service to recreation in the community it was sug- gested by the previous Recreation Committee in conjunction with Management that a more compact steering group be set up to co-ord- inate recreational activities in Terrace Bay, 48 in the past recreation buildings, grounds nnd facilities have bsen turned over by the Company to be administered by the Keereation Committee and the Municipality has also arranged for certain of its proper- tics such as the ball dismond and tennis courts to be operated by the Committee, The intention is to carry on in practe- icelly the same manner in so far as organ- ized clubs arc concerned. Clubs will, as in the past, be autonomous and conduct their own affairs. However, so that the Recrecat- ion Committee may budget and administer the funds and properties under its jurisdiction in a business like manner, an understanding will be rcnched in advance with each club requiring the use of equipment, grounds, funds or other assistance. The present Kecreation Committee cone sists of five members and a Sccretary-Treas---- urcr. The books and accounts of the comme ittee are kept by a Company accountant, The members are as follows: Three members-at-large requested to serve on the Committee, Alex Chisolm, M, O. Nelson, H. N, Marsh, L. representative from the Improvement District of Terrace Bay - Ed, Cavanaugh, Li representative from the Longlac Pulp and Paper Co. = H. C., Laundy. : 0. RK. Dalzell, Recreation Supervisor, to be Seeretary-Ireasurcr of this group. Lt the first meeting of the Committec, M. O. Nelson wes elected Chairman and H, N. Marsh Vice-Chairman, Minutes of mesting of this group open to any interested members of the Community and a monthly financial statement of income and cxpenditure will be published. The objectives of the group are to promote and encourage activitics of a recr- cational nature, set policies for the use of the various focilities and to administer funds at their disposal. It is hoped that with your co-operation the above objectives can be met. Please address all communications conn. ccted with recreation to O. I. Dalzell. are Page 3 LONGL..C CENTRURY CLUB (Standings as of midnight June llth comprised ... of all units with 100 or more consecutive safe days without an on-duty disabling injury) * Unit Safe Days 1. Administration Office as a 2. Hotel, 1311 3. Technical 1311 L. Electrical 1311 5. Warehouse 311 6. Blecachery 311 7. Hospital 13 8. Digesters, Br,Stock & Screens 1230 9. Townsite Department 1038 10. Painters cnd Oilers 1038 11, Machine Room 905 12, Jackladdoer a8 13. Structural rg 14. Kiln, Caustic & Evaps, 59 15. Mechanical 72 - 16, Wood Yard 633 17. ZEngincering Office 523 18, Wood Room i 19. Pipefitters vr 20, Steam & Recovery 3 IN THE DOG HOUSE 7 (Reserved for unis with less than 100 Safe Days) 1, Services 75 0-0-0 DUES YOUR PI.N0 NEED TUNING? If so, please leave your name with Ossie D=lzel]l at the Recreation Office or phone the Personnel Department (Local 16) and leave it there, If we have a surficdient nunboy of persons wishing to avail them- 3 selves of this service, a qualified piance tuncr from the Lakehead will visit Terracc Bay for that purpose, 0-0-0 DOMINION D.Y 'EEK~END 48 Dominion Day, July lst, falls on a Tucsday this year, the offiges of the Compe any will be closed on both Monday, June 30 and Tuesday, July lst to enable the staff to enjoy an extra long hcliday week~end, 0-0-0 S00 Lid. Bty., Poy parade will be held at the Armour- ies Saturday, June l4th at 1945 hours, 0-0-0 FOUND One General Motors car key #8018 at School Bell Park, Owner please apply to Recreation CfTice, 0e0~0