GH, WCODS SN.GS 10-PIN "D" SERIES G. H. Wcods made it official last night even though they tock a 3 to 1 whipping at the hands of those Bears, In spite of that they ended up as the "D" series winner (no one wns even close) and will roll off in the Playoffs against the Royenls, Orieles and jBears for the 10-Pin Chrmpionship Trophy. A11l the high scoring took place in the other mntch of the evening, however, as the Engineers got scme very sweet (as well as tasty) revenge vhen they whomped the Royals in a grudge match by a 264 pin margin. The Znginecers hed high gnme of the evening 964, high series 2720 and Tom Williscroft took most of the scoring honours with high scratch game 209, high handicap game 249 and high handicap series 587. Lindskoog had the high scratch series of the evening 498. 200's with handicap were posted by Morar (Bears) 221, Gord Paget (G.H.Wocds)221, Mnalashewski 207 and Freeman 214 (Royals) and Lindskoog 207. Fin~l Stondings "DP Series (¥ - denctos teams cligible for playoffs) G. H. Woods x 19 Enginecrs 13 Bears 13 Elcetrons 1 it Orioles % 10 Royals I 10 Wnrwick's Wonders 4 0-0-0 MINOR HOCKEY B.NQUET It has now been docided that the Minor Hockey Banquet will be held at Hotel Terrace on Saturday, May 3rd. All members of the 3 Pce Vee terms, the Bantem team nnd the Midget teem will be invited to attend. 411 trophies and prizes for the yeaor will be handed out at this banquet, In order to help dsfray ox- penses, all players will be assessed a 50¢ fee, (Parents please note.) Full particulars will appear in next week's issue of the "News". © 0=~0-0C FOR S/LE Chrome table and four chairs, one range- tte, floor model, Both in excellent condit- ion. Lpply house 264 Kenogrmi Road. FOR SALE 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan, Radio and Heater. This car is in exceptionally good condition throughout, Apply 109 Leourier ive. or Dial 333. 0-0-0 Page 5 SOFTBALL LE/,GUE ALL 8ET A very ardent bunch of softball enth- usincsts turned up at the Recreation Hall on . Monday night to discuss plans for this year's Softball House League. 11 four shift were well represented by volunteers who stated that each shift would definitely field =o team for league play. It also looks like we shall have another four teams m~de up from dey workers and in that event we should have two leagues of four teams each. If such is the case, it has been decided to operate both leagues with games being played afternoons, evenings and week-onds; ench league would declnre a winner =nd have both teams play-off for the town championship, Another highlight of the meeting was 2 suggestion by Bob Burella that all of the eight teams get together and promote 2 large scale dance or other type cf money- making project and have all of the profits earmarked for the winning team's awards at the end of the season. Starting date for the league hos been tentatively set for the middle of May, The Executive of the league will be composed of the manager of each team, plus the Umpire~in-Chief and a non-vcting Secre- tory. Bill Broome was unanimously elected to handle the duties of equipment manager, which is a real good breck for the league. L8 soon as the Bxecutive are able to meet to discuss a Constituticn, etec., further details will be made available to nll through the "News" and Mill notice beards, 0-0-0 FOR RENT Two partly furnished rooms tc lect. Lpply to house 264 Kenogami Road, or Tine Card L467. 0-0-0 TERRACE BLY NEWS, published every Thursday at Terrace Bry, Ontario, is devoted to the interests of everyone connccted with the Longlac Pulp and Paper Company Limited pro- ject of the Kimberly-Clark Ccrporation. £11 items for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by noon on Wednesday cf crch week. Kindly submit all articles and address all communications to: O. R, Dalzell-Editor, 0=0~0 YOUR FL.NS FCR TOMORROW - - DEPEND ON S.FEITY TOD.Y