BOWLING NEWS Mixed League Due to the virtue of modesty, the reg- ular scribe of this column has surrendered his pen. And who wouldn't give up their pen in favour of championship, eh Buck! Bermuda's weckly Mid-Ocean News and its Daily Royal Gazette please copy the followe ing: Stead and Lindstrom, captcined by Miss Pat Dooling nssistcd by Bormudn's own Horbd Crisson are now the winners of the Imperial Bank Trophy. Now it can be said that the directors of this team made an "ever good" decision in sending off to Bermuda their famous "Bermuda Kid" ~nd recalling from Timmins the popular "Catalina Kid", Through the kindness of Fabian Linde strom the Stead & Lindstrom team was born, nnd it wns not until the second serics that this team showed their liveliness by winn- ing the series and taking their place in the championship roll-off, In ao four game total pin-fall with handicap, Dooling's Stead & Lindstrom led with 4252, followed by Jakobson's Bay Beavers with 4193, Middaugh's Whirlaways with 3802 and Harris's Hot Shots with 3517, This play-off was closc throughout and it wasn't until the last ball was rolled that the winners were declarcd by 59 pins, Bay Beaver's Ll. Cline just mannged to got a gome of 325 with no total of 1051. Stead & Lindstrom's Guido Morandin was lucky as usual with all games over average ~nd scoring 941 (256). Other leaders were Thirlaw~ys Hnorold Hall with 908 (249), Bay Beaver's Doug. Harris with 897 (251). John Grahon with his 720 ws the Hot Shots high, Then ccmes thosc that keep the balls rolling. We did not forget Clarence Buck from the preceding paragraph. He right- fully comes into this category with his all time low of 135. Lil Harris achieved 89. Kay Grahom managed to hit this scribe's age of 94, I don't cnre if I have to walk to ~nd from work by mentioning Irene Edmonds score of 93, John Graham finished a game at 113 followed by Bob Middaugh ot 112. Georg- ina Balderstone needed only 1 pin to mnke 100. The winners! Stead & Lindstrom, Capt. Pat Dooling, Helen Scott, Lois Windle, Dolly Felton, Herb Crisson, Guido Morandin, Clarence Buck, Richard Day. 0-0-0 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for rent, House #26 Pine Crescent or apply Time Card #183. 0-0-0 Page 4 HELTING ND COOKING STOVES, ETC. One out of every four or five fires is caused by faulty chimneys, flues, cooking or heating stoves, furncces, carelessness with fireplnces or hot ashes, or sparks on rcofs, etc, Most frequent causes of destructive fire in heating plants or appliances are: sub-standard equipment, ineorrect install. ation and construction, lack of care in maintenance znd unsafe operation, {11 heating plants, pipes or =pplianccs should be at least 18 inches away from any wall or burnable materizl, Hezters, includ- ing stoves, should be on insulated metal, cement or other incombustible bases, Falls and ceilings near stoves should be protected by asbestos sheeting or other insulcting material, Clean chimneys every year, and repair promptly when cracks or locse mortar appenr. Never "force" a furnace tc get more hent, Consult your heating man about increasing its efficiency safely. Empty hot shes into metal containers -- never into wocden boxes, 0=-0=~0 CUB & SCOUT NEWS The Boy Scout Group Committee would like to draw the attention of 211 Cubs! and Scouts" fathers to the fact that the 3rd /innuel Father and Son Banquet will be held on Sat, , April 26th, from 6:00 till 8:30 p.m, in the Basement Hall of the Community Church, Tickets have been issued to the fathers ond payment may be made to Don Boudreau, Herman Roberts or Gord Rowlandscn, Please notify any of the lezders of the Cubs or Scouts or any member of the group committee, prior to April 10th, of your intentions to attend, finother item of interocst is the fact that the dates for Surmer Comp at Whitesands Lake hove been set ns follows: Scouts - July 6th to 13th ond Cubs - July 13th to 17th, o=0=-a NOTICE RE POST OFFICE The Post Office will be closed all day Fridey, April 11th, On Easter Monday, the wickets will be open from 9:00 am, till 12:15 Noon, Patrons are reminded that post office box rents for 1952-53 are overdue, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations are the order of the day to: Mr: & Mrs. V. Thorpe, a girl on March 31st. Mr, & Mrs, J. Richardscn, = girl on Zpril 3ra, Mr, & Mra. J, R, Smith, = girl on 4ipr. 1061