July 30, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 15 SCHREIBER NOTH STARS JUNIOR HOCKEY CLUB FINANCIAL STATE- With two more months of work to go. MENT FOR PERIOD SEPTEMBER IST 1969 TO JUNE 30TH, 1970. _ I'm working hard and it's really hot - But | don't DEBITS CREDITS. think I'll lose my pot " Draw Winners Hees Draws $1,426.00 'Cause |'m eating well and having fun - doing every } Officiating 91.80 Gate Receipts 3,437.27 Equipment 2,350.81 Rebate Aff.Fee 100.00 thing there is to be done. ' Travelling Expense 1,239.73 + Development Crant500.00 This letter will remind you of a joke - about a bold Gasoline 553.58 Donations 295.00 ' aus Geis ee eee audacious bloke. Dry Cleaning KT, Relrned 81.50 So dearest mother let's not be funny - To get to the T.BeAsH.A. (Cards) 125-00 Programs 17.25 point | need some money - For payday you see Medical 110.53 Hamper Draw 113.00 ts fo k ek | Stationery 5.00 is four weeks away - And my money won't last even Bank s/o oe half that way. Insurance T 0.00 N.W.0.J.HeA. (dues) ito: heed And so for money | 'm writing this poem - And if Fine 15.00 Bal. Sept. I, i you send some | won't come home.. Miscellaneous 33.72 1969 : 507.42 . bs a (raw) 131.52. Cesdive 63/70 About twenty dollars would be very nice - If you N.W.0.J.H.A. (5%) 106.71. 'Season $2970.02 don';t send it I'll be eating rice. So if you Total Credite © could, and if you would, I'd appreciate it like a Total Debits 6,207.64 beggar should Balance June 30, 1970 269.80 You can sent it soon if you like - As it will be Treasurers L.C¢. Small Verified: G. Blanchette slowed by the postal strike. : I'll pay you back as soon as | get paid, Because by then | should have it made. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE WEEKLY REPORT ACROSS 51. Over IT. "Pater ay Schreiber Detachment - July 29, 1970. Tr, Aes, -- Noster" Hi s7ol ua violvind to friends 52. Trawler's ending §Shivllolvialviwd There were two reports of wilful damage which are 5. October equipment 20.Where = [ni is|vj 3 ciel 1] Hill ae tiaati birthstone DOWN i eS still unaer investigation. 9. Tar's term 1. Christmas is: abbr. One' ti er Make lted j 10. Zola novel Eve drink . Rainbow cas sialon ne liquor investigation resulted in one person te Hanae + aeeenaie goddess Pea 2 OM at UN being charged under the provisions of the Liquor box score Smith -Cads, --_fololvillv ola si s| 13. Saucy 3. Garlands . toa Control Act. 15. Verb form of flowers Cockney ivistolet avin A hed' t . gill | der? tHanti 16. Columned 4. Seed coat . Grate reported trespassing is still under investigation were 5. In gongs 38. Mecniaaed r ted theft i investigated. 18. Gone by operation France stone also two deggd ed hef ibe: lye be ee a > ' 19. Cebine 6. Invalid's . Stimulates hea, Twenty-two warnings were issued regarding minor monkey food . Fishing 42. Astringent sak © d d boiti ; t d t h 21. Fan or 7. Close to, gear fruit EEG HONs and cerective equipment and two charges devotee old style . Mottled 45. Stone 1 ic] i a 23. Supreme 8. Gigantic 5 or Iron were laid under the provisions of the Highway Traf po oe ~ macnn 1c ACT. number river . Cli abbr. fic Act b b ; ' ka : 25. *--- th 12. Bust! 49. Sheepish Two motor vehicle collisions this past week re- vempenes 0 Se High, | cae sulted in approximately $1425. damage. ses eregey Milt a jl a mptton . Senior "22 Be COLUMBIAN TOURS DRAW WINNERS NAMED aa, Uke acat ott | Winners of the Columbian Tours Draw run by the name of . : s Knights of Columbus are: - M.Baillargon, Tecumseh,| 35, Masted. Ont. $2600. - C.R.Proulx, Burwash, Ont. $650.00, ylece 39. Amazon oe G.Tripp, Thunder Bay $260.00 - Miss C -Gott, Wel- a a rg Yi |Z7 Yj land - Mr. O.Cole, Trenton, Mr. A. Auclair of ad CP PP Cornwall and Mr. C .Brockman of Essex each won "ieee WT Go $50 -00. " vegetables Vi Za eae 43. Successful Pet | Mrs. M.Morrill of Schreiber submitted the poetic * ie request for funds sent to her by son Greg who is - ane a working in Toronto for the summer. 48. eee | " Well here | am in the big city of T.O. 50. Memory U7 | next column. work