STE Retell came alien iret cretan biatirtnet figss Nee ec a i a a a a a s a% 2) a , ¥ 3 Ds pe 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 25,1970 Clover Dukes, who obtained the highest average in the school, received academic bars on behalf of ny THE OWL'S HOOT" the following students who have achieved an oyver- SHS : all average of 75% - 9A-Victor Dukes, Debby Gemmell, Alan Turner, Maria Veneziano; 9B- Mary Costa; 10A Clover Dukes, Karen Guina, Kath- THOUGHT OF THE WEEK leen Guina, Doris Lehto, Ted Ross, Sharon Scott; 11A-Michael Spadoni; 11B-Lynda Fontaine; 12A- Dale Sisson, Sharon Smith, 12B-Estelle Chicoine; 13-Marylyn Cook, Susan Graham, Nancie Spillane, Elie pla nino allah ai eS and Norma Walker. REPORTS The following students obtained the highest aver- roger age in their respective classes and received an a- ward from the Students" Council, presented by Pat McParland, and a trophy from the Lake Superior . You are young at any age if you are plan- ning for tomorrow. Early Friday morning, June 26th, the final report { cards will be available to Schreiber High School Students at their local Post Office. Students are | Roeids posenind Gs We ae" urged to obtain their report cards as early as possible iodo ORAL tiie: Gecteh Mey Cane on this date. : y ' ' : ' Grade 10A-Clover Dukes; Grade 10B-Geraldine Those in grades nine, ten and eleven, will receive Paes ee ts McBride; Grade 11A-Michael Spadoni; Grade 11B _ | their report card and a statement indicating the linde Fontaine: Chole Whsharca Sasth Grade | number of credits they require to obtain a Secondary Pc Estelle Chinsina: Giode VaRibend Walker . School Graduation Diploma. Students should refer ec' Twas hanes Heer, Mecha! to the brochure "Educational Dialogue" issued to ba Sicon. leben meade O cn idenk at Webhost ner ' grade 9 student with highest ne them the week of February 23rd. Those who require | ; ' 4 i speed; Kim Gellert, grade 10 - highest net speed; timetable adjustments, or would benefit by attending Pyida Bina highast mule in arade. Vi bypewnile summer school, will find the appropriate letter en~ - ing; Estelle Chicoine, highest mark in grade 12 ro ibe i ha faa eit : typewriting. Debby Gemmell received the award Cea ee meek for the grade 9 student showing the greatest improve their: diploma (if awarded); report card and transcript : ae ment in typewriting. Oe eeme Hiputo Re SRE ed: ce OFT ete The J.P. Tessier Senior French trophy was present 'documents and retained f= ---- ed by Mrs. C. Stewart to Susan Graham, who achieved the highest mark in Grade 13 French. uel. i ee a | COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES | The Canadian Legion Branch 109 Schreiber scholarship was presented by Mr. B. Ross to Sharon Smith, the top grade 12 student, The Catholic Women's League Bursary Scholarship was presented by Mrs. |. Moorey to Nancie Spillane. Mr. Sinotte made the Knights of Columbus, St. Edwards Council No. 3334 scholarship presentation to Marylyn Cook. The recipient of the Ladies Auxil- iary to the Canadian Legion Branch 109 Schreiber Bursary Scholarship was Norma Walker and the presentation was made by Mrs . V. Rigelsford. The top Grade 12 Commercial Student, Estelle ) Chicoine, received the Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges' Scholarship from Mrs. C. Morris. | Mr. J. Warwick presentated Susan Graham with the Lake Superior Board Bursary Scholarship. The Schreiber High School Home and School Association Scholarship, presented by Mrs. L. continued next column ..... Chicoine, -- continued page I7 ........ Schreiber High Schooi Commencement Exercises were held Friday, June 19th in the Gymnatorium. Unfortunately, due to the delay in the hiring of teachers, neither Mr. Morgan, the Director of the Lake Superior Board nor Mr. Stewart, principal, were able to be present, as they were involved in Toronto with recruitment of faculty members for the forthcom- | ing school year. Rev. R. Dye gave the invocation, with greetings from the town expressed by Mr. R. Spadoni and greetings from the Lake Superior Board by Mr. A. Gordon. Mrs. Mulligan, on behalf of Mr. Stewart, welcom- ed and congratulated all award winners and diploma recipients. Telegrams from Mr. K. Penner, M.P. for the Thunder Bay District and Mr. Stewart, expres- sed regret at their absences and congratulations to the graduating classes. Mahe want ec ieee amare ese ee aah him