RA te A A AE A PAGE 16 Schreiber Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Brian Duncan, Brian Jr. and Heather of Mackenzie Island were visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Len O'Brien. Mrs. Tom. Bryant (Aunt Min to all) and Tony Commisso are patients in Terrace Bay Hospital. Mrs. L. O'Brien has just returned from the hospital . Home from Universities for the summer are - Eon O'Neil, Bill Turner, Pat Spadoni, Nola Fummerton, Muriel Nesbitt, Ken Borutski, of Western in London; Douglas Stefurak, McMaster, Hamilton; Linda Connelly, Windsor; Anna Fummerton Betty McGuire, Queens, Kingston; Cora Spadoni, Toronto; Tom McGrath, Shawn Kirkpatrick, Russell Nesbitt, Bill Webb, Danny McDonald, Ricky Chicoine, Ryan LeBlanc, Helen Harness, Boyd Drake Lakehead, Thunder Bay; John Ross, Ken Martinsen, | Shane Paradis, Cambrian, Sault Ste, Marie; Colleen Cosgrove, Linda Sisson, Sandra Ross, Confederation, Thunder Bay; and Warren Morrill, Teachers' College Thunder Bay. Mrs. Austin Cosgrove is in Calgary visiting her daughter and family. Mrs. Eileen Christenson is visiting her daughters Louise and Anne and families Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Irving and Mr. and Mrs. Roly Cataford in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Rene Bedard are in North Bay to attend the funeral of his mother Mrs. Eva Bedard. The Canadian Bible Society will have a meeting May 26th in the Anglican Church Hall. Gilmour Beattie District Secretary,will be there to speak and show films. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Peter Halonen of Ottawa is visiting relatives in town. Karl Redens and Harry Cole are patients in Terrace Bay Hospital . _Mrs. George Martin is in Thunder Bay visiting her son and family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and new grandson. Mrs. John St. Jean, and Mrs. G. Lemieux are in Ottawa visiting C.L. Snyder. NEW EXECUTIVE INSTALLED AT C.W.L. MEETING New executive installed at the May meeting of the Catholic Women's League are - President - Mrs... Irene Moorey; Ist Vice-President - Mrs. Lil Gagnon; 2nd Vice-President - Mrs. Helen Stokes; 3rd Vice-President - Mrs. Irene Borutski; Recording continued next column Sat meso TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 21, 1970 Secretary - Mrs. Teresa Stortini; Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. Rita McGrath; Treasurer - Mrs. Borden Ross. ' Conveners of committees are - Church Life - Mrs. Clare Powers; Organization - Mrs. Penny Caccamo; Christian Family Life - Mrs. Lil Gagnon; Social Economic and Civic Life - Mrs. Teresa Power; Social Action - Mrs. Irene Borutski; Cultural Life - Mrs. Helen Stokes. Nine members will attend the Diocesan Conven- tion in Kekabeka Falls May 11, 12, and ¥3th. A membership tea is planned for Wednesday, June 3rd at the Parish Center from 8 to 10 p.m. with a feature attraction. The members decided not to cater for the months of July and August. Tickets are to be sold on a mans pullover hand knit which will be raffled by the C.W.L. Members are reminded to save Canada Packers Labels and turn them in to Mrs. Edna Cocks. Following the business meeting a coffee hour was held. SASKATOON VICE-PRES. VISITS SCHREIBER LODGE] Mrs. Sheila Greenaway, (grand 5th vice-presi- dent of Saskatoon, Sask., who is visiting lodges throughout the district) was a guest of the Former Lady Society of the Brotherhood of Local Firemen and Engineers, at the home of Mrs. Lily Wilson, Tuesday, May 12th. During the business meeting, Mrs. Greenaway gave a very interesting report and presented Mrs. Erie McGrath with her 25 year pin. President Mrs. Pauline Huminicki on behalf of the members gave Mrs. Greenaway a gift, a token of appreciation for her visit to the Lodge. After the meeting a penny auction was held and ~ a lovely lunch was served by the hostess Mrs. Lily Wilson. Prior to the meeting a dinner was held in the Schreiber Hotel, and those present were Mesdames Sheila Greenaway, Pauline Huminicki, Lily Wilson, Marg Drake, Dorothy Kinney, Erie McGrath, Agnes Bryson, Albina Welbourne, Victoria Winters, Edna Cocks, Violet Nesbitt, and Phyllis McParland. FOR RENT - Basement suite for rent. Large living room and kitchen, two large bedrooms, three piece Phone 824-2698 or 824- bath. Private entrance. 2360 any time. dy. ho Eee