MAY 14, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 SCHREIBER ARTIFICIAL ICE COMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORT COST OF ICE PLANT AND INSTALLATION WAS $43007 .00. . Payments made to date, May 5th, 1970 ¢ are as follows: - July 15th, 1966 $17000 .00 By Artificial Ice Committee Dec. 16th, 1966 $00300 .00 By Schreiber Hydro Feb. 13th, 1967 $04428 .00 By Government Grant Feb. 15th, 1967 $01000 .00 By Schreiber Kinsmen May 2nd, 1967 $00400 .37 By Schreiber Lions Club June 20th, 1967 $00028 .25 By The Eastern Star Nov. 16th, 1967 $03000 .00 By Artificial Ice Committee Dec. 6th, 1968 $03000 .00 By Artificial lce Committee Mar. 12th, 1962 $01000.00 By Schreiber Kinsmen Nov. 21st, 1969 $02400 .00 By Artificial Ice Committee Mar. 18th, 1970 $00500 .00 By Schreiber Kinsmen GRAND TOTAL $33056 .62 A great deal of praise is due to the few hardworking women who have stuck to their guns during the time this committee has been in operation. Few realize the amount of time and work that is needed to keep going - A very special vote of thanks is due to the few ladies who have also given so much of their time in the operation of the snack bar. Please remember this is all Voluntary and takes a lot of time and patience. These ladies would like to thank Schreiber Town Council for the work they have done on the booth giving them more room and a much brighter place to work in. The Committee as a whole, would like to express their thanks to the people of Rossport and Terrace Bay for | | their attendance at various projects they have held and hope they will have your continued support in the | future. We wish to extend to the Schreiber Kinsmen and others who have helped in so many ways our sincere gratitude. SCHREIBER ARTIFICIAL ICE COMMITTEE. ART CLUB HOLDS BUSINESS MEETING The business meeting of the Terrace Bay Art Club was held May 7th in the Art Room. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary. Financial report was given by the treasure. The Arts and Crafts Show held on the 17th and 8th! of April was deemed a great success . Thank you notes were being sent out to all who contributed | ' ators. Information gathered in the census is used in the preparation of the Assessment Roll, the Voters List, Jurors' List, population count for Provincial grants, school support and planning data. The Assessment Commissioner requests the co- operation of all residents in providing the informa~ tion required to complete the census, particularly in the return of call-back forms which are left Ghai far Wu ewes when people cannot be contacted personally. On May 14th there will be a session on string painting. Members are asked to bring India Ink and heavy paper . The meéting was then adjourned. PRESBYTERIES TO MERGE The joined executives of the Superior and Kenora~- Rainy River Presbyteries of the United Church of Canada met in Dryden on May 5th to discuss CENSUS TO BE CONDUCTED matters of common interest to the two Presbyteries ee ee ee a a and to study the feasibility of the merger of the Presbyteries into one. : Several position papers were presented dealing with social concerns and organizational structures . With the new policy, with regards to people of Indian descent a marked change has come about on The Regional Assessment Commissioner wishes to advise that the annual municipal census will be conducted in all municipalities in the Thunder Bay Region commencing early in May. The Thunder Bay Assessment Region encompasses the Territorial Dis- tricts of Thunder Bay, Rainy River and Kenora. rr The census will be conducted by part-time enumer~ the reserves due to the fact that many mattets which _continued page 19.222: . os aceansceer Bete A SEE ws avinr mmamacessceamats etl eric erent anne ataemrrpagi et enn amnannatinetooreeneaamneneennorenims pion streaker trate te