---- PAGE 8 g TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 3 /o~ , / Legion Bonspiel - cont'd from page 4 ..... KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS © | at the Terrace Bay Curling Club. - . _ Fifteen rinks in all took part, with Jim Clancy's ° HAM 7 rink emerging as the winners. ' Jim's cohorts were Marg Duriez, Mary Clare ' Kennedy and Dave Gunter. Second in this event, - was the rink of Charlie Koski, Aldea Churney, Ethel Boyd, and Al Regis. First in the B event was: Emil Boucher, with Kay Thorsteinson, Fran Camp= bell and Winston Mason. Second in this event . th | were Floyd Liebrock, 'Dene Clancy, Mary Milks MARCH 7 Ce oo i p. and Tom Latour . ST. MARTIN'S BASEMENT Trophies and prizes, donated by Rolly Sinotte, were given out at the Legion Hall on Saturday ev- ening, where the highlight of the evening was a 2 a games $1.50 Lobster Bake. ee) The lobsters, served to a capacity crowd, were EXTRA CARDS 25 & prepared by Heinz Schmeidchen and Leon Theriault. iS Dancing was enjoyed, to the music of George 2 half proceeds _ Churney, Bill Megraw and Ellen Hodgkiss. | Floyd Liebrock took the Easter Bunny home. 1 = winner take all \ Photo below - First place winners left to right - , : 4 HAM FOR EVERY CORRECT BING@GHS? 'Dave Gunter, Marg Duriez, and Jim Clancy, miss- ir ng is Mary Clare Kenedy. next column ..... ei \ NUMBER CALLED ann | & Credit Union Column as\ HOURS - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 NOON CV .« 1:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. (i Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. YOUR CREDIT UNION HAS INTEREST IN YOU! | Without you and all our other members, our dit Union couldn't exist. That's because the Vine approved charter for the Credit Union - the field of membership. We can't do &ss with outsiders. 9, hea special type of membership organization, Photo below of the 2nd place winners - . Ethel Boyd, Aldea Churney and Charlie Koski A ey ; Missing is Al Regis. Photos by H, Milks tering many advantages. As a member you're also , : wowner. You help elect the officers. You share he earnings according to your savings in the \dit Union (after all, your savings money helps ¥ possible the funds which are loaned to other hers.) '8, your credit union has an interest in you, our interest in the credit union can help make ble betie* services for all MEMBERS. Se BAY COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION coe Plaza, Terrace Bay, = Phone 825-833