MARCH 5, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 : SCHREIBER "KIN" CORNER The regular meeting of the Kinsmen Club of Schreiber was held at the home of Kin George Riley on Monday, February 23rd. The, annual Kinsme Easter Bingo will occur on Friday, March 20th under the co-chairmanship of Kins Peter Speziale and Ron Wood. Easter hams and money will be offered as prizes. It was decided, that the Kinsmen Club of Schreiber 'would contact the local Recreation Committee to discuss the feasibility of constructing tennis courts _ or other recreational facilities in the town. Due to the extensive use of the arena by both visitors and Schreiber residents, a letter is being sent to the Schreiber Arena Committee outlining suggested improvements in the building. '| The "Kin" toboggan and snow-mobile social will "| take place at White Sand Lake on Saturday, March 7. | After President, Jim Figliomeni closed the meeting, a social period was held. "THE OWL'S HOOT" fy 'SCHREIBER BOYS RETURN WITH TROPHY LeBlanc. EDUCATIONAL DIALOGUE Tuesday, February 24th, the Schreiber High Schoo Home and School Association sponsored a well-attend ed meeting in the gymnatorium. Mrs. L. Chicoine, president, held a short business meeting. This was followed by an explanatory address given by Mrs. R. Mulligan, outlining the innovations and programs to be implemented at Schreiber High School in the 1970-71 school year. The main innovations are: subject promotion; credit system; levels and the increased choice of options. The "Name of the Game" was Education and the game was played with Mr. A. Lawlor as moderator of a panel consisting of the following: Mr. G. Adey, student at Schreiber High School; Mrs. L. Chicoine, president, Schreiber High School Home and School Association; Mr. R. Cressman, principal . Schreiber Public School; Sister Gail, princiapl, Holy Angels Separate School; Mr. A. Gordon, Lake Superior Board of Education Member; Mr. B.C. Stewart, principal, Schreiber High School; Mr. L.R. Trembaly, member of Schreiber High School Home and School Association; Mr. N.C. Truman, Math- ematics Teacher, Schreiber High School and Miss M. Veneziano, student at Schreiber High School . Each panel member expressed his views on the new innovations. The audience presented numerous questions to the panel members and lively dialogue ensued. During the coffee time at the termination of the meeting, individual discussions took place and it was the general consensus that many aspects of the new program were clarified during the evening. See photos page 18 ....... : ___ This weekend Schreiber travelled to Red Rock to play four scheduled games of basketball . The boys played two extremely close games as the two teams were tied at almost every quarter. The end result was: the boys won 36-28 Friday-and lost -- to the Nip Rock boys 36-30 on Saturday morning. W. Tremblay and T. Commisso were the high scorers in both games played. The girls games were critical for if the Schreiber team should lose they would not be eligible to con- | tend for the trophy against Terrace Bay. The pres- sure brought out excellent playing ability in every member of the team as they shot their way to vic- tories of 37-23 and 51-28 over the Red Rock Team. L. Simmer was the high scorer in both games along wi with W. Hooke and E. Dunnville from Red Rock. Congratulations go to the boys team who brought home the trophy and to the girls for winning their place in the standing. Photo next column - boys basketball team - winners of the Gannon Trophy , left to right - John LeBlanc, Frank Figliomeni, Wayne Tremblay, Tony Commisso, Bill Smilksy, Roy Huard and Allan