a ae IERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 5, 1970 SEL-A-THONW IN SUPPORT OF TERRACE BAY SKI CLUB ' SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH - 1:30 - 2:30 P.M. at the Ski Hill Terrace Bay Ventures snack bar open coffee available No Regular skiing will be allowed during the races sponsor a skier and come out and cheer him on LETTER TO THE EDITOR I believe that every individual or group has the right to fight for his wights but has Jack Cruickshank, on behalf of the students, the right to protest something that was signed away by the High School Board and Town Council who agreed, amid clapping and shouting, that we were going to have four-year courses right down the line and that Schreiber would have Business and Commerce plus the five-year general course. There was no fuss by your parents at that time whe were quite happy. ; Why all the fuss now? You kids should be thankful you have a bus to take you to school and a place to eat. In the past kids from Terrace Bay had to pay to ride te Scheol in Schreiber and they didn't even have a gym to eat in. Tax payers knew what the cost of up keep would be: and I don't belive that this has changed. The former High School Board knew when the agreement was reached that we did not have Grade I3 in Terrace Bay. Why didn't they insist at that time? My advice to you is ask the former High School Board, ask at home, the people around you and your Township Council. The latter are at the present time trying to find a way to give away $40,000 of the taxpayers money to open up Lakeview. If Council had spent so mich effort at that time on High School affairs you kids would not be asking these questions noWe Thepe will be more later on why give away tax money - a follow-up to my recent discussion with Council - after I return from Toronto. DISTRICT COURT. NEWS In District Court held in Schreiber last week the following were charged: - Serruccio Agostino, Sec. 40 (a) - Highway Traffic Act - $22.50; Nick Vasilo, Sec. 67 - Highway Traffic Act - $22.50 and David W. Walker - Sec. 71(4) Highway Traffics Act - found guilty. In Terrace Bay District Court - the following were found guilty - John Bouchie- $20 and costs for stealing gas and John Ropchon - $200. and costs and license suspended for six months for driving while impaired. We Adamo CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late Charles A. Simmer wish to thank all those who sent cards, flowers, baking or helped in anyway. Your kind words and deeds are very much appreciated. Ski Racing Results - cont'd from page 1 ...... Downhill - Ist R. Vanderkam, 2nd, C. Prinselaar, 3rd C. VanEden; Combined - Ist R. Vanderkam. Intermediate Girls - Downhill - Ist. L. Lapenskie. Senior Men - Slalom - Ist S. Megraw, 2nd C. Wis Wise; Downhill - Ist D. Whicker, 2nd S. Megraw, 3rd C. Wise; Combined - Ist S. Megraw . SKI-A=THON Those skiing in the Ski-a-thon are reminded to continued ST. JOHN AMBULANCE COURSE AVAILABLE Any one interested in taking St. John Ambulance First Aid Course are asked to Contact : B. Lapenskie 825-3871 after 5 p.m.