PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 19, 1970 SILVER BIRCH CHAPTER MEETING 7 _ LEARN TO FLY The regular meeting of Silver - PLEASURE Birch Chapter #264 O.E.S. was arr BUSINESS held in the Star Room of the Temple CAREER ° Hall. NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN FLYING CLUB Worthy Matron Mrs. D. Aimos e@ New Modern Aircraft @ Private Pilot Licence and Associate Patron A. Farrow pre-|_ @ Fully Experienced Licenced In- @ Commercial Pilot Licence sided over the meeting. structors e Instructor's Rating The secretary, Mrs. D. Rummary e Year Around Training e Instrument Rating P.M, read the minutes of the pre- e Assistance in obtaining employ- e Twin Engine Rating vious meeting and treasurer, Mrs. ment upon completion of training @ Float Rating A. Farrow P.M., presented the @ Financing Available e Night Rating financial statement. -- e Accommodations Available @ Piper Sales & Service Course The conveners of the Sick and Upon Request Available Visiting committees from both FOR MORE INFORMATION - PHONE - WRITE - WIRE Terrace Bay and Schreiber stated # THUNDER BAY FLYING CLUB that many cards and rembrances had P.O. BOX 245 to be sent out to members who were FORT WILLIAM, ONTARIO ill in hospital. During the month TELEPHONE - 577-1118 of January the Ways and Means committee were responsible for catering for the Robbie Burns banquet at which time a beautiful quilt made and donated by Mrs. Jessie McAdam was raffled and won by Miss Barbara Haughn. continued next column .. This is a°song especially written by a local ledy, Mrs. Pam Jones, who was active in the Girl Guide movement, in Terrace Bay, prior to her retirement as a Guide Captain and is worthy of note: THE BLUE BERET Girl Guides honour strong and true, Loyalty to me and you, A friend to all, helpful each dey, These are the girls of the Blue Beret. | ~ HOURS - 10.00 A.M, - 12.00 NOON All the badges on their chests, 1.30 P.M. - 5.39 P.M. These ate the girls who do their best, . i Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. gga om ee, yc om : They are proud of their Blue Beret. @ WITH FIXED EXPENSES SO HIGH, HOW CAN Taught to help all those in need, | POSSIBLY CUT DOWN ON MY SPENDING? She is pure in word and deed, To animals both large and small, One of the greatest drains on monthly income is The Guide will tend to every call. the revolving charge account, or any similar account : 3 g seaaideseinap ncok De er coe Another day, another week, that requires a monthly payment. Unless you can pay Orders are to obey and keep, in full at the end of the usual 30-day 'free credit" A smile, @ song, no matter what, ' 1 . Always content with what they've got. period, you'll pile up new expenses every month. Perhaps a consolidation loan from the Credit Union Full of pride and honesty, will help you get a fresh start, then you can operate haa agent sino et wb You'll find them willing night or day, on a more realistic basis. Other ways to cut down on Trust a girl who wears a Blue Beret. expenses: - Shop carefully, taking advantage of Every time a badge i d GENUINE SALES. Set a food budget and stick to it. | One nore problem solved and learned, Prepare a shopping list and stick to it; avoid "impulse Enahi mee Seed S$) wor OF. Play, . : Ase A Girl Guide lives by her Blue Beret. buying". Hold long distance calls to a minimum. i; Don't waste electricity. ; Silver Birch Meeting - continuation Some items may seem small, but they all add up! ------rEeee Final arrangements had been made for the Ontario | TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION! Ladies Curling Championship luncheon for Feb. 10th. It was a pleasure fo have nine Past Matrons and Simcoe Plaza Phone:3833 continued page Qe :