FEBRUARY 19, 1970 Mural Projects - continued from page 12 Photo below - Robert Phillips is pictured in front of one of the murals he worked on. Photo kilone Ann ails. <i Toni Trembley = a ' | | | | | are not quite finsihed their mural on Christmas. by J..Small. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK There is no reason to worry about your station in life because somebody will al- ways tell you where to get off. 4 SCHREIBER BASKETBALL TEAMS LEAD WESTERN DIVISION Wednesday, February 11th, basketball games were held in Terrace Bay. girls by a wide margine of 42 to 31. The Schreiber boys team was victorious over the The Terrace Bay girls team defeated the Schreiber TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 Terrace Bay boys by a score of 37 to 24. The Schreiber boys remain undefeated in the Western Section of the North Shore League with, seven wins and no losses. The Schreiber girls remain in first place in this devision with six wins and one loss. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Wednesday, February 18th - Terrace Bay boys and girls basketball teams play in Schreiber. Tuesday, February 24th - Educational Dialogue, || Schreiber High School Gymnasium. WINTER CARNIVAL The annual Schreiber High School Winter Carnival began Thursday February 12th, with the four houses, Canuck, Iroquois, Mohawk and Ottawa competing for first place. 1970 initiated a new house, the "Staff House" and what it lacked in npn it made up for in fun. The results of Thursday's events which began at 3:00 p.m. were as follows: = Dog Sled Race - boys = Ist Iroquois, 2nd Canuck, 3rd Ottawa. Snow Shoe Races - boys - Ist Canuck, 2nd Mohawk; girls = Ist Mohawk, 2nd Ottawa Toboggan Races - boys - Ist Iroquois, 2nd Canuck, 3rd Mohawk; girls - Ist Iroquois, 2nd Canuck, 3rd Mohawk. Snow Football boys - Ist Iroquois, 2nd Canuck, 3rd Ottawa; girls - Ist Iroquois, 2nd Canuck, 3rd Mo- hawk. Skidoo 16 h.p. - boys - Ist Iroquois, 2nd Canuck; | girls - Ist Mohawk, 2nd Canuck, 3rd. Ottawa 18 h.p. - boys = Ist Iroquois, 2nd Mohawk, 3rd Canuck; girls - Ist Mohawk Eating Contest - boys - Ist Ottawa, 2nd Canuck, 3r Mohawk; girls - Ist Iroquois, 2nd Ottawa, 3rd Mo- hawk. Thursday evening "The Ballad of Willy Wall" was performed by the Touring Players Foundation and this was followed by a 'Sock Hop'. Friday the events began with a Skidos parade from the school to the arena-where most of the morning events took place. Thanks are extended to the Anglican Church Ladies who provided a delicious lunch of cabbage rolls, chili, or homemade beans during the noon hour . Results of Thursday Events - _____continued page 14 .-.:++