TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 12, 1970 | SCHREIBER TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. A. Gvora - Phone 3231 > ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. A.L. Chabét SUNDAY SERVICE - Ist and 3rd Sunday each month at 7 P.M. and Communion EVENING PRAYER - 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month 7 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL - every Sunday at 10.30 A.M. SUNDAY MASS - 9.00, 10.30 a.m., 4.45 pm ST, ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH ~ Rev. E.C. Prinselaar WORSHIP SERVICE - II a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ every Sunday at assigned time and place. SPECIAL FOLK SERVICE - FEBRUARY I5TH - II A.M. CONFESSION - 7 - 8 P.M. SATURDAY FIRST THURSDAY EACH MONTH - 7 - 8 P.M. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. T.G. Husser - Phone 3346 HOLY ANGEL'S CHURCH ~ Rev. J.M. Cano DAILY MASS - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 5.15 P.M. | Tuesday and Thursday 8.00 A.M. Saturday 9.00 A.M. SUNDAY MASS - 8.00, 9.30 and II.00 A.M. CONFESSION - Saturday 7.15 - 8.00 P.M. and before all daily mass. : MORNING WORSHIP - Sunday - II a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL - Pre-school and Grade I - ITI A.M. | Grade 2-10 - 9.30 A.M. -- \ UNDER 2I CLUB - 7 P.M. SUNDAY EVENINGS GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. R.L. Dye SUNDAY SCHOOL - I0.00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - II A.M, EVENING SERVICE - 7.00 P.M. - MID-WEEFK SERVICE - 7-00 P.M. WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY MASS ~ 6.30 P.M. | i . ;}ROSSPORT ST. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. F. Tews WORSHIP SERVICE - 7 P.M. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays; Walsh, Mrs. M. Anderson, Mrs. P. Malashewski and Mrs. A, Regis. The panel outlined the duties of of- ficers in the League. A thorough discussion took place, describing the election by ballot. The meeting was. adjourned, and Mrs. A. Allen and her committee served lunch. MASS - every Monday - 7 P.M, 42/hrown topics; jb. C.W.L. TO HOST WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in St. Martin's Parish Hall, | on Sunday evening, Feb. 8th, opening with League | LOCAL GIRL DIES IN THUNDER BAY Sandra Lynn Fedorak passed away in the Fort Prayers and a reading from the Jerusalem Bible. Williden Scnitatn' dei dunia)? 29h> 1970.8 te Mrs. W. Corrigan, president, welcomed the mem- 17. oft (otcatt bers, Mrs. L. McBride read the minutes and correspon pal 4 ¥ : aid - ee FS ide boii t acho dence, and Mrs. D. Kenney gave the treasurer's re- - ave ef " oo wil B oe pt st a 3 port. Standing committees tabled their reports. : "ie ae wath i nue ras ee ee he itl : The highlight of the evening was the announcement € attended the Public School, prior to her ill- that the Catholic Women's League will host the Bere ls ' Women's World Day of Prayer, in St. Martin's of | Surviving are her mother and father, sisters, Tours Church on March 6th, at 2 p.m. All ladies of Donna, (Mrs. Andy Mareiaa); hah and oo the town are invited to attend, and it is to be hoped brothers Stephen and rit as ib gran oe r. that there will be a good turnout. Coffee will be and oy M.M. Fedorak, Mr. W. Hallaway, aunts served at the close of the meeting. ot =" ' : ala tape : During the month of March, a Starvation Luncheon ee ee Ce ae . . a Church, Monday afternoon February 2nd at 2 p.m. will be held, for the ladies of St. Martin's, the date ee oi d d Stil ty to be announced later. Proceeds will go to Peace and} W!'n fhe choir in attendance and conducted by Davelddmerit Rev. A. Chabot of Marathon. i Mes Fo Helmink, Public Relationg Officer': held Pall bearers were chosen from Sandra's last class _ a panel discussion on the election of officers for the a" school , Wallace Fisher, Bruce Pelto, Pat Smith, i Wee ten tray an the panel wists Mes.' Jimmy Garriock, Kenneth Pryor and Charlie Daley. continued page 5 ......