Donald BEN® FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY - NOTARY PUBLIC 1968 saw 648 people die in fires in Canada. FIRE IS SO FINAL. PHONE - 824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONT- Council Quotes - cont'd from page 2 .... A letter from a concerned citizen was read, con- cerning the number of large dogs running at large, and frightening children. Council will look into this matter . The Minister of Finance and Commercial Affairs stated authority will be given to local municipalities to govern lottery schemes in their areas. Considerable material was obtained from Claydon Construction Company re the proposed new Fire Hall The annual maintenance by-law for road purposes was passed in the amount of $15,000. Councillor Desrosiers stated that the lighting be- hind the Curling Club had been installed. The chairman of the Fire Committee commended Mr. Stan Hodgkiss for the excellent work he is doing for the Volunteer Fire Department, in instructing the personnel in various fire fighting techniques. Council is concerned about snowmobile safety, and machines travelling up and down the township streets. The snowmobile club will be contacted again, and unless they come up with a solution, further action will be taken. Councillor Bray reported that Mr. R. Dupas is fitting in very nicely as Sports and Recreation Co- ordinator. Mr. J. Ferrier suggested to Council a meeting might be held between himself and the Police Com- mittee, to discuss mutual areas of concern around the Township. Worried about ~Washday ? use OUr... LAUNDRY SERVICE PHONE - 824 --2250 DRESSWELL CLEANERS TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 5, 1970 WITH STOPPING POWER! Don't be half -- or even % sefe! Let our experts give yeur brakes first-class atten- tien. . . plus "'stop-ability!" Let us check your brakes now. ISLAND VIEW SHELL SERVICE PHONE - 825-3638 TERRACE BAY, ONT. OL De WORRY YOUR CAR TERRACE BAY DISTRICT COURT J. Hale Jr. pleaded guilty to a criminal offense, (theft of a snowmobile motor) in District Court held by Judge T. Connors in Terrace Bay last week and was given a one year suspended sentence on account of his age and no previous record. Donald Husser and Grant Solly posted $12.50 each on infractions under the Highway Traffic Act. LIBRARY NEWS An audio-visual workshop has been scheduled from 7 - 10 p.m. March 3rd at the Parish Center, Schreiber. This is open to the general public and | their will be no fee charged for particulars inquire | at Library. | A copy of the remarks made by the Hon. John Robarts dealing with the Federal "White Paper on Taxation" available. Canadian Consumer reports for January and Feb-_ ruary available at Library. ! Minutes of the Lake Superior Board of Education | pasted on Library Bulletin Board. | Recent books ordered. continued page 7 FIL DEN RENT-A-CAR - TRUCK DAILY RENTALS SHORT AND LONG TERM LEASING PHONE: BRIAN DUFFY Schreiber 824-2043 Evenings 824-2068