Paclldie* Sceteiteldieieteesinante treet mit " TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 22,1970, Gordon MA. Badge here now at GENERAL INSURANCE 1 ISLAND VIEW SHELL SERVJCE AUTOMOBILE - FIRE - CASUALTY - LIABILITY he vidtid's beck lackins 179 HUDSON DRIVE best id snowmobile DISTRICT COURT NEWS Provincial Judge T.A. Connor passed the following convictions in District Court, Schreiber, on January 13th - Joseph Comeau, Sec. 81, Liquor Control Act, fined $50. and costs or 10 days; Leonard Hanstke, Sec 59(1) Highway Traffic Act, $19.00; William Adamo, Sec. 59(1) Highway Traffic Act, $33.00; Lola E. Scott, Sec. 59(1) Highway Traffic Act, $33.00 and Kenneth |. MacKenzie, Sec. 82(3) Liquor Control | Act $12.50. ARLBERG SNOWMOBILES 1970 Phone - a Terrace Bay, Ont. JUNIOR HOCKEY STANDINGS The following is the standing in the Northwestern Ontaric Junior Hockey Association including games played Sunday January 11, 1970. TS ORT RN TET Schreiber G W. La ¥ F A a ' F CROCKFORD TEAM WINS O'KEEFE MIXED PLAY Schreiber 16. 1 3.0) 2110 "ST ae Nip-Rock 14 7 4 3.2293" 59° aa Congratulations to Len Crockford's rink with sh Weowiee 14 65 3 78 71/158 Norma Crockford, Bob Roberts and Liz MacLeod. sel 4 Geraiaton ie 4 7 ] /2..99 --- Len went undefeated over the weekend ina es e -- ; : Te > Bo 16 a te Peof2 119 ae three team playoff to win the O'Keefe Mixed at Pere, Wieser eek the Boa dae emai ere ae the Club. Len now goes on to the zone finals in oh hae a tees aT P 4 aa ata eague during the same petiod. ; ; NAME TLAM GOALS, ASSIS®S POINTS PENALTIE Good luck team. M. Fukoshima Geraldton 21 3 _ Boa R. Pulek Geraldton 3 27 4 30 a : D. Passi Manitouwadge I 2I 239 30 ODD FELLOWS ELECT YEARS' OFFICERS . vicchia te = a 36 3 We wee . We The C.P.T. of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held S. Spedoni Schreiber 10 25 35 4 the first meeting of the year, on January 7th. 'a eee gi naan a 5 4 = re The officers are - Chairman - Mrs. Jessie Mc- M. Spadoni Schreiber 4 17 31 2 D. Gresdal Terrace Bay 8 20 28 21 Canna; Treasurer, Mr. William Jones; Secretary - Mrs. Helen D'Arcy; Hospifal Equipment Committee - Mrs. B. MacAdam, Mrs. C. Morris, Mr. J. Dejonghe, and Mr. W. Jones. We wish to thank the people of Terrace Bay and Schreiber for making our candy sale such a success ._ REFRESH WINTER GARMENTS TILDEN WITH OUR SUPE?'OR DRY CLEANING SER IC IRENT - R- CAR _ TRUCK 624-2250 SHORT A2D LONG TERM LEASING PHONE: BRIAN PUFFY eninas 294-2068 We hear many instances where the value of commeréial fishing is questioned. If commeroiel fishing was cur- tailed, what would these 50-60 families do for a live- liehood? Would they require another $200,000.00 from i welfare agencies that are already strained to the limit -- of their budget. We hope not. ROS, 6 AIST (RET ET {SS Tar ae ESTE PO RTS