Ar 'see the new fast-a e1 200. =now Cruiser 1970 "TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 ST.BERCHMAN'S (Continued from page 14) Mrs.lodesco moved a vote of thanks to members responsible for setting up the beautiful outdoor crib. It was a great attraction to all, especially children ° who never tire of the Nativity Scene. Future licensing of Bingos was discussed. In small villages like Rossport it is impossible to raise suffi- | cient funds through teas and bazaars for church main tenance. It was decided to find out if the new laws are applicable in unorganized townships. The Soc- iety, being only a group of ten means that members have to donate considerably themselves . A lengthy discussion was held on the Drug prob- New, fast-action 20 h.p. engine for "gone" lem throughout the country and world. The subject Pseiayation and performance was tabled for further research. New lightweight styling and comfort... greater . satin sid st ; - er The minutes and financial statement were adopted. ' ® New, twin headlights for greater night-time visibility The president gave a detailed report on improvements @ Available in manual or electric start models Come and see it now ... while it's still standing fill being made in the sanctuary. It was decided to have eek the draps cleaned and order more floor tiles. A Penny Auction was arranged for February Ist at 8 p.m. Lunch will be served. Home baking will b d i I her i . Ace SPADONI BROS. LIMITED Fe es anni aeaient Cae ii oa that SPECIALLY PRICED AT-- $ 895 Schreiber, Ontario. Phone 824-2304 | the church furnace was repaired. FREE- Snow boots with every purchase. Plans for the annual Toboggan Party will be final- - ized and date set at the February meeting. SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS Mrs.M.Hubelit drew attention to mention ina 40 years ago column of entertainment held at Ross~ port. An interesting history of building the present The Schreiber Figure Skating Club held a "Family Skating Party" December 30th. All members of the club were given free hot dogs and hot chocolate. Altar was presented. The Sacrament of Confirma- , sae eee PY al ee oe ae ae tion will be administered in April and children 12 e mothers who came out and who helped out. A Among those recently returning t itt hom years Ont AVEt re ee! f 9 Aide halt oe aero! Special flowers and planters will be purchased for . -- a os . idays de ee. the Altar and Communion Rail following renovation. ra we ne Co a The hostess served luncheon and a social hour was Mrs. Raymond Niemi, to White River, who were enjoyed with Mrs. Oscar Niemi and Laurg, Maureen and Rhonda Campbell to Toronto who were with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bolen and other "ie FOR SALE- The Annual Vestry Meeting of St. John's Anglican 1965 CHEV. HANDI VAN Church will be held January 25th following the evening service. SIDE WINDOWS A-| Condition Ever since West Side Story, you can't get into a New York City street gang unless you've studied ballet. BALANCE OWING ON NOTE PLUS SELLING COST PHONE: 3733 'OR CONTACT: ERIC OPAS