PAGE 10 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GOLF TOURNAMENT WE. Rolly Sinotte presents Knights of Columbus Golf Trophy to Ned West. The Knights of Columbus handicap Tournament was held on September Ist. Winner of the tourna- ment and the Knights of Columbus Trophy was N. West with a net 63. Runner-up was T. Olsen with | 65 and third was P. Coupla with 68. Low gross for the tournament was B. Stachiw with 76. Bill Hanley had the lowest Ist 9 with a 32 and J. Phillips had the lowest 2nd 9 with a 33 1/2. J. Rogers won low hidden hole and D. Imbeault won t the high hidden hole. We would like to take this opportunity to thank C. Koski and K. Thomas for assisting us with the tournaments during August while R. Rattray our tournament chairman was on vacation. GOLF NEWS The Senior Men's Tournament was held on Sunday August 31. Jack Wellings was the winner of the tournament and the Standard Chemical Trophy with a net 69. T. Olsen was runner-up with 71. A. Pattison took low gross with an 82. LADIES GOLF NEWS There is always of first in everything and the Golf Club had their first in entering to compete for a beautiful Hiram Walker Trophy in a Handicap Net Tournament. "| don't know how I did it, but | did," said a very TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 4, 1969 ® ; SPORTS! CORNER, LMANWE OF BASEBALL'S MOST CONSISTENT PITCHERS 13 THE BALTIMORE ORIOLES' CONSIDERED BY MANY AS THE BEST COS aNbER JA/ THE GAME 7ODAY+e« FPENNANT-B80UND ORIOLES 200 happy and smiling Aina Adamo as she came home with a 44 in her ceond round. This, of course, crushed Aine's chances for the big win. The winners were as follows - low net - Aina Adamo; runner-up - Kay Stefurak; most bogies - Isabel Ferrier; Best first year golfer - Joyce Mercier; Most imporved golfer over Ist nine holes - Jean Megraw; novelty prizes - Betty Luke and Jeannete Gunter . The Ladies Tuesday Twilight winners as follows - low gross - Peg Wellings; runner-up - Kay Stefurak; low net - Olga Adamo; runner-up - Ollie Chapman. The Thursday night mixed unknown partner winners were as follows - low gross - Tonny Costa and Isabel Ferrier; runner-up - Kit Thomas and Shirley Richards; low net - Jack Richards - cont'd page 11 ..