PAGE 5 Minor Hockey Banquet - cont'd from front page... ident Stan Zwaresh, President Tom Pollard, Treasurer Frank Sechesky, Recreation Committee Chairman Frank Anderson, Reeve W.E. Cavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fisher, R. Sinotte, Recreation Director D. | Courtemanche, and honoured guest R. Shock. | -- After dinner League President T. Pollard said it was nice to see so many fathers present and hoped that more of them would participate in the league's program next year. He thanked the coaches, conven ors,referees, Recreation Association and the Women who prepared. the dinner. Unfortunately all the trophies had not arrived but these would be presented | ata later date. Photos of the presentations are on page § ... Introduced by the Master of Ceremonies, Ron Shock was given a standing ovation as he rose to face his | audience. 1 Bay though he did find it a bit chilly after a recent | vacation in Florida. He told his listeners that the coaching he received while playing hockey here had | done much to help him towards his present career. He spent many hours at the Rink and the coaches spent many hours with him. He paid tribute to the Recreation Director and Tom Pollard and his execu - tive and mentioned the possibility of a summer hockey school being held in Terrace Bay in the future. If there is he would like to be a part of it. A question and answer period, which looked as if it could have gone on all night, followed and the tenor of the questions evidenced the interest in hock- ey by both the youngsters and adults. Answers were concise and to the point. On Olympic Hockey teams Ron feels that under the present system players can't concentrate enough on hockey as many are still in school and must spend time in needed study. He admitted that the puck is harder to control with WANTED - ACCOMMODATIONS For out of town High School students (male and female who will be attending the new Programs in the Terrace Bay High School next September. Interested citizens of Terrace Bay and Schreiber please notify the Terrace Bay High School if you wish to be placed on a list for consideration. All arrangements will be made direct- ly with the students and/or their parents. W.W. Rowsome, Principal . TERRACE BAY NEWS He said he was happy to be here in Terracd JUNE 5,1969 Lake Superior Board of Education TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUS SERVICE DAILY BUS SERVICE REQUIRED STARTING SEPTEM BER 2, 1969 FOR THE FOLLOWING: From Heron Bay-Marathon to Terrace Bay in morn- ing and return after school hours. From Terrace Bay to Schreiber in morning and re turn after school hours. From Rossport to Schreiber in morning and return after school hours. Port Coldwell to Marathon in morning and return after school hours. For further particulars contact: C. Van Eeden, business administrator, Lake Superior Board of Education, Schreiber, Ontario. a curved stick and doesn't think thye should be sold in the stores yet. He advises youngsters to master use of the straight stick before attempting any deviation. He says Bobby Hull will play again; that Montreal is the best team but that there will come a time when they will be defeated; that he will say hello to G. Dashkewytch sometime: on the radio; that St. Louis is a sports-minded city and the Arena outstanding, with padded sears for spectators; that Bobby Hull's shot has been clocked at 125 m.p.h.; that he thinks Smythe made a 'mistake letting Imlach go and that Toronto should be a great club in a few years. Gordon Calder presented a framed cartoon to Ron as a memento of his days with Terrace Bay Superiors and Tom Pollard, on behalf of the Recreation Commit tee and the Minor Hockey Association,presented him with an oil painting which had been chosen by his wife. Many of the executive were net sitting at the head table but chose to sit with the boys throughout the hall. After a short recess to clear the hall a film "The Half Century" was shown.