APRIL 24, 1969. TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 BE READY FOR WARMER WEATHER BY HAVING * YOUR CLOTHES CLEAN- ED NOW! CLEANERS *~ Tailors and Terrace ee HS Launderers ~ FIRE - AUTO & CASUALTY INSURANCE Notary Public Bruce Simon Schreiber Phone 824-2562 Notice Ladies Curling Club SEMI - ANNUAL Meeting April 24th, 1969, in the Curling Club 8 P.M, MESSAGE TO ALL PEOPLE Anyone having hockey sticks, sweaters, or keys be- longing to the Minor Hockey please return them to the Recreation Office. NT Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant Fost 'Office Building, Terrace Hay, Cnterts. Phone 226.3747, Peadline for advertisements fe NCCN eeon Moniay - other items Tuesday morning. Classified Ads - Minimm charge 60¢ (20 words and under ). Card of Thanks and Announcements - Minimum vee $1.00 (30 words end under). m Subscription Rate - $3.50 per year. Second class mail registretion number -0867. Return postage guaranteed. TERRACE BAY NEWS th | i FOR SALE - Complete Girl Guide uniform. Size 12 Phone Terrace Bay 3573 WANTED - Girl's used bicycle. Phone 3745. FOR ee Chalet Husky & Restaruant, Jackfish Lake. Areal money maker for the right party, ful- ly equipped. Owner will be on premisses the first week in May to discuss with interested parties. Send inquiries to H.P. Lavoie, 18 Wintemute St., Fort Erie, Ontario. Phone 1-416-871-5526. WANTED ~ Complete Girl Guide uniform. Size 8 or 10. Phone Schreiber 824-2515. HOUSE FOR SALE- Three bedrooms, ies kitchen and living room. 216 Ontario Street. Phone Schreib= er 824-2538. FOR SALE- Frig-for sale in good condition. Phone O/ Se « FOR SALE- GMC 1952 1/2 Ton. Suitable for parts but in running order. Call 1R2, Neys Park Shell Station. _ SOMETHING NEW IN FERTILIZER Good for garden and indoor plants ALGINURE - 100 % Organic Feeds the plant through the leaves and roots. INQUIRE AT WANTED - Housekeeper needed, five day week - 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Please contact Mrs. Terry Scott. Phone 3655. NEEDED IN TERRACE BAY AREA - Sales lady to sell cosmetics, experienced not necessary, willing to learn, phone Schreiber 824-2380. Phone. 3224 Terrace Bay DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢ PER LOAD .s e e 4 . ° Hours T= 4 p.m. Nan. through Sot. 1 ansT aR STEAM DRYERS = 106 fe 10 min. weal, ua 8 LB. LOAD - - $3.00 ey SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787 MSGI RETR CSE NE