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Terrace Bay News, 27 Feb 1969, p. 11

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960 Vaillancourt - Bolan Nuptisls PERRY AR) TERRACE Spring flowers sdorned Holy Angele* Roman Catholic Church in Schreiber on February I5 for the marriage of Kenneth Vaillencourt, of Marathon, son of Mrs. Joseph Vaillencourt end the late Joseph Vaillancourt of Britt, Ontario, end Merjory lynr Bolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Boel of Schreiber. ; Father J.M. Cane solemnized the double ring ceremony. Miss Brenda Lalonde was organist and CGiovenni Cebrerio soloist. Ushers were Randy Bolan, brother of the bride, and Tomy Vaillancourt, brother of the groom. Larry Vaillancourt, ~ brother of the groom, and Frank Roen, were groomsmen. The bride anc groom were escorted to the Alter by their parents. The bride gowned in white peau de soie, with A line skirt, the lece bodice with square neckline and] long pointed sleeves. A bend of self materiel merked the Empire waist to= which wee attached a train of tull-lined lace, scalloped, and falling open from the front to end in a circular sweep. Scallops ornamented with rhinsetones edged her three tiered veil caught to a cluster of satin leaves and lily of the valley, and. she carried an arm bouquet of red roses. The bride had four attendants - Miss Cherlene Ceuvin, as maid of Honor, Miss Cathy Rolan (her sister) and Miss Laura Campbell ag bridesmaids, and Rhonda Campbell as junior bride- maid. They wore similer gowns of bonded crepe in shocking pink, with sabrina necklines, short sleeves end the Empire waistline. Long white gloves and white shoes complemented their ensemble and their headdresses were whimsy veile cen- tred with cluster of brilliants and pearls. The junior brides maid had a white mffcentred with a pink mum and the others carried single long stemmed white mums. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was given in the Guild Hall when Russell Campbell, uncle of the bride was M.C. proposing the toast to the bride and groom. The toast te the bridesmaids wss: proposed ty Larry Vaillancourt, Centring 'the head table was the wedding cake, made by the bride's grendmother, Mrs. Tom Bolan. In the evening a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents when Mrs. Bolan received in a purple sheath, with white ruffles, white velvet veiled hat and corsage of white mums. Assisting et the reception were Mesdames John MacIsaac, Jim Creek, and Lou Karns. For a wedding trip to Vietoria, BC, the bride donned a yellow fortrel frock, top- ped with fur jacket, brown and gold het, and corsage of wht mums. Mr. and Mra. Veillencourt will make their home in Marathon. Attending the wedding from out of town were Mra. Joseph Vaillanceutt, of Pritt, Miss Charlene Geuvin, of Sudbury, Mrs, Robert Maynard of Cavan, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vail- lancourt, Mr. and Mrs. Deneld Veillancourt, Mr. and Mrs.Tom Vaillancourt, Mr. and Mrs. Cilbert Vaillancourt, ell'of y Mr. end Mrs. Rolend Vaillancourt of Sonfield, Mrs. Clifford Dimmery, Patsy, Carol and Brenda Dimmery, of Fort Williem, and Mrs. Roy Anderson, of Nipigon. 2 | ne NN ye io CHISTOPHER_ DINNER The meet recent class to complete the Chistopher Leader- ship Course geve a dinner. perty to mark the event, with 33 attending. Rev. Dean J.M. Cano said Grace at the meal. Ben lapenskie was M.C. for the dinner and Mrs. J. £. Stokes in- troduced the guest: spesker, Al Chisholm, of Terrace Bay, who chose for his subject Bill 44, which deals with education. He expleined the purpose and the formation the Regionsl Sehool Beard, and described the many changes already introduced in education and others proposed some of which it is expected will shortly be in use. Mrs. Edmund Rorutski thanked Mr Chisholm. Certificates were presented to the gredustes by Cereld Penning, Schreiber chief inetructor, end Rolly Sinotte, Terrace Rey, assistent. instructor On hehelf of the class Mra. R.W. Turner thanked the leaders for their interest and encouregement. Pens were presented to Deen Cane, Mr. Ranning, Mr. Sinotte and Phil Stuert, another assistant leader, and the organigzers - Rev. Sister St. Timothy end Mrs. Michael Kulmatycki. £ Each cless when formed elects ite own officers, in this sase, Ben Lapenski, president. Deen Cano, Spiritual Director Mre. Phil Stuert, vice-president, Mra. M.J. MoCreth, seoret- ery-tresaurer. Sister St. Timothy and Mrs. Micheel Kulmatycki orgenizers. The Christopher course, offera lively enjoyable evening sessions at ea convenient location énd the oppertunity to develop confidence, influence, sperking ability:end e knowledge of parliementary pricedure, with friendly companions| The course tekes ten weeks end the next one begins in St. Mat Martin's Church hall Terrace Bey on February 25. The course 1g non-cenominational. Mr. "enning. the chief instructor, took hig leederehip course in Toronto end has since given on course in Plind River and three in Schrei*-er, the firet of which wee e course for sgsietant instructors. Prier to dinner the Froup were enterteined in Mrs. Jack Stokeg' hime, going in e party to the dinner in Schreiter Hotel. (A AR re cle hs Ru Schreiber Detachment Press Relesse - 0.P.P. ring the paet week the Schreiber Detachment of the Onteri Provinoiel Police investiprted 3 moter vehicle eecidents whieh fresulted in approximatety $1190.00 demege. From February I6, 1969 to February 22, I969 members ef thig Detechment patrelled 2,692 miles of highwnys end legzed 20 hours, There was one cherge leid under th Highway Treffic Act. 6 pergens were warned and 26 vehicles were g ven safety checks. A Breek and Enter was investigeted at Carrity's Stere. The culprit hid in the sterc,erd approximately 2.90 A.M., on February I7, 1969, aroused the proprietor. When the Prop. went to investigete, he surprised the culprit whe in turn struek Mr. Garrity on the head end « scuffle eneued. Subsequently the culprit emeshed a window in the front door end egoaped. Investigstion ig being continued end eny informetien from the public in thie connection would be appreciated, te effect an arrest.The culprit hag been described as approximately 3, years of age, 5°7", 170 lbg. black hair, dark complexion, veerine rrey cer coat and black trousers. Four chergesa of "Public Migchie?" have been laid in cen- nection with the tampering of licks at the Schreiber High School and the pad locking of the doors of the School the previous week. One stolen auto wee reported and ig still under investigation. There were three liquor occurrences which . regulted in two charges of "Minor Conguming"" and on charge of "Hevine Liquor" @ne stolen euto and one wanted person were ppprehended hy memberg of the Schrei>er Detechment fer Mpigon O.P.P. Detechment. MY_TWIN_SISTER When I wes laying in my bed, T heerd « wriggle or twe, And eg I turned to. see who it we, It wee another one named Lue. And ve the years went flying by, She looked more like myself, And T'¢ get into trouble when She messed up el) myself. When T went to parties and things, She'd tell whetever I'd do She'd even keep a note of it, And show it when I wee blue, Wheat » sister I world think, And em T rled she'g cone, She's merried to « stupid mean A foolish men nemed John, Patricin MeGreth, Grede 6

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