Z. TERRACE BAY NEWS SCHREIBER There will be a shower tea on February 7th from 8 - 10 in the Catholic Parish centre in honor of Miss Marjorie Bolan, bride-elect of February 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Belan will hold an Open recep- tion for their daughter in their home on Saturday, | February 15th from 8 - 10 p.m. Herb Foss of North Bay was here this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Harper . Mrs. Jack Corbett is in Terrace Bay Hospital . Leslie Paradis has returned from the Lakehead after having his arm set following an accident on the Separate school playground. Mrs. Harry Jewell is in a Lakehead hospital , having been taken by ambulance last week . Mrs, John Spillane, Mrs. Frank Fummerton and Mrs. Herb Gellert, suitably attired in curling garb, sold the home baking contributed for the Carnival bake sale sponsored by the United Church Women for the high school winter carnival . Mrs. Jack Bryson and Mrs. David Harrison conven ed the successful card given by the Anglican Church ~ Women on January 30th, with Mrs. Rodney Bryson as cashier and Mrs. Reg Bailey assisting in serving. High at bridge was won by Mrs. Pat Guina and Mrs. Bill Fadden, low by Mrs. Bruce Simon and Mrs. W. Tripp. Winners at whist were Mrs. Bob - Winters, high and Mrs. John Morris, low. The evening ended with a dessert lunch. Mrs. George Cataford has returned from Winnipeg where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cataford and their family. A parish social was enjoyed by members of the Catholic Women's League with their husbands, some 73 in number. Father J.M. Cano and the sisters of St. Joseph's Convent also attended the potluck dinner and social evening. Father Cano congratula ted the C .W.L. on their contribution to the church life and Mrs. Norah McGuire in particular on her two years in office as president. Mrs. Kay Stefurak president, presented Mrs. McGuire with a past president's pin. The evening was spent in square dancing. Mrs. Harvey McCanna, president, welcomed the guests at the Women's Institute tea, held in the town hall, with Mrs. W. Thrower as cashier. Mrs. Joe Campbell was the convenor and servitors were Mesdames Fred Harness, John Morris, Ken William- son, Alvin Slater, with Mrs. Hattie Yandon and Mrs. Charles Todesco of Rossport, Mrs. Albert FEBRUARY 6, 1969 Yates and Mrs. Tommy Bolan replenished. The Schreiber detachment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police are going to strictly enforce the act * stating that no person shall leave a vehicle parked on the highway in such a manner as to interfere with snow removal - and highway in this instance includes roads and streets within the township. Warnings will be issued and if this does not correct the situation, charges will be preferred . Mrs. Mary Sparkes will be in Fort William to attend the funeral of the late Isaac Otway on Febru- | ary 5th. Shelbie Closs of the Public School staff takes her | Grade 2 class regularly to the library to select books showing a wide range available, and in particular, reference books. Mrs. J. Corbett won the door prize at the Women's Institute tea held last Saturday, the ticket being - drawn by Mrs. B. Furlonger. Lester McCuaig is visiting his family in Toronto. Carl Pearson of Sault Ste. Marie spent the week- end with his parents . BRENDA LALONDE NEW PRESIDENT OF C.G.C. Brenda Lalonde was elected new President of the Schreiber Catholic Girls' Club, Sandra Ross having to resign because of her age ( 18 being age which girls must resign from the club). Rosemary Speziale was elected as Vice-President and Debbie Caccamo appointed Spiritual Convenor, replacing Ann Marie St. Jean. Forty-six members were present with Denise Harris welcomed as a new member. A toboggan party was planned for Pabicry 8th at 7.30 p.m. with each member to invite a guest, and after which they will all return to the Parish Centre for a social gathering. The annual Candle- light tea was planned for February 16th at 7.45 p.m. in the Guild Hall, with a door prize and live enter- tainment, the latter to be arranged by Mary Speziale Father Cano announced that the Youth Conference will be held this yéar in Atikokan for three days during the Easter holiday, and some 14 - 15 mem- bers are hoping to attend. He also reminded the girls of the Parish Mission which will start on March 3rd. R.B. Spadoni sent a most appreciative letter, for kindness shown to him during his recent long illness. The business part of the meeting was then closed.