NOVEMBER 2%, 1968 Mother-Daughter Banquet - cont'd from page 18 | SS Mrs. Campbell is shown with her daughters Lenore, left, Laura and Maureen. -photos by |. McCuaig Below - Michael Reid, Sandra Ross, Mrs. Helen Jartus, Very Rev. Dean Cano. SCOUT TRAINING COURSE HELD IN SCHREIBER A Scout '68 Training Course was held recently in Holy Angels school auditorium, to train new leaders and to plan the transition period from the old scout- ing methods to new 1968 methods. Attending from out of town were District Commissioner Roly Wills, Terrace Bay, A. McKendry, George Bott, R.J. Barton, R. Ficker from Marathon. Hot lunches were provided by the Group committee during the day. At the annual meeting of the Group committee of the Scouting Association in Schreiber, it was announced that the Schreiber Kinsmen Club will be the new sponsors of the Scouting movement in Schreiber. Reg- istration night was held in September with 42 boys enrolling. "Apple Day" was very successful and the committee is grateful to the public for their generous response. The Scout calendars have arrived and the boys will soon be around selling them. Plans are in the making for the Father-Son Banquet. TERRACE BAY NEWS sean RSL ANA RE I TORN OH PAGE 1/7. Picker, Marathon; irs. -Doris Geuthier, lirs. Sheron Lamoreaux, Cal Gavin, Sehreiber; toly Vills, Digt. Commissioner. Terrace Dar. I. NeCuaie PROM LEFT: x2. -vhoto hy RACK PROM LEFT: 3.0. -'arten, Edger LeBlanc, Sehreiter; &-. C. Forren, Mrs. P. ) Marathon, Hrs. 0. Cevin; ett, Varathon; front - Irs. 1,- Veore aNnetas Ty Metal SCHREIBER C..W.L. MEETING Mrs. Kay Stefurak presided for the regular meet- ing of the Catholic Women's League held November 10th in the Parish Centre. The meeting opened with the League prayer and Mrs. Nora McGuire gave the Scripture reading. Convenors reports were given - Mrs. Teresa Stortini reported on enrolment of 170 and five honorary members; Mrs. Irene Borut- ski said there is a new town curfew at 9 p.m., and that Schreiber's population is now 2130; Mrs. Mary Shack for the Catholic Girl's Club, thanked all who assisted at the Mother and Daughter Banquet; Mrs. Irene Moorey reported a visit to a sick member. Mrs. Delores Spikula stated four members assisted with the Poppy Day canvass and one member attend- ed the Municipal Council meeting; Mrs. Jackie Tremblay thanked the C.W.L. for the new uniforms for Guide and Brownie leaders, and reminded mem- bers of their bake sale on November 22 in the Al-@ Corn building from 2 - 4; Mrs. Rita McGrath, social action, spoke on the Modern Generation. More cups and saucers will be purchased. Follow ing adjournment by Mrs. McGrath, the group attend ed the Terrace. Bay C.W.L. meeting when Miss Mary Sereda was guest speaker.