Ladies Auxiliary Meets - cont'd from page 2 Secretary, D. Ballentine, including notes from mem bers who had been hospitalized, and from those who had left the community . Sadie Benko gave the sick and visiting report. The Auxiliary set the date for the Poppy Day Tea as Monday, November 11th. Tickets will be avail-} oq with each other. able shortly, with the time and place to be announc- ed. A letter was received by the Auxiliary from Pine- wood Court, District Home for the Aged, requesting that the ladies might collect old neckties and used nylons, which would be used in the Craft Room. Anyone having such articles is asked to contact Dorothy Coupal . The Remembrance Day Dinner was discussed and will be held Saturday, November 9th, at the Mas- onic Hall. The ladies agreed to sell poppies again this year for the Branch. A discussion took place about entering a Ladies Legion Bowling team for Wednesday afternoon and Friday evening. Any member interested is asked to contact D. Coupal. A Box Social was planned, to be held sometime in October, at the Legion Hall. It was requested that all ladies prepare a lunch box for that evening, and it is hoped that everyone will turn out for a real fun evening, the date to be announced shortly. 'The Bursary Certificates holes arrived and will be mailed out to the winners, Geraldine Belliveau and Linda Pelto. A letter was received by the Auxiliary from a member requesting a transfer to this branch, and the secretary was asked to confirm this. President Coupal asked all members who are-in arrears for Crests, buttons, pins, ties and so on, to have them cleared in order that the books might be balanced. The Television set was brought up for discussion, and a motion passed by the members to purchase the set and have it placed in the Terrace Bay Private Hospital, as soon as possible. Mrs. Jean Fisher is in charge of this matter. There were no new discussions to 'ides place and the meeting was adjourned. Lunch was served by the committee. Let's be on our toes - October 6th - 12th is FIRE PREVENTION WEEK! TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS HOST INFORMAL COFFEE HOUR Terrace Bay High School teachers were host to the teachers from Schreiber High School on Wednesday, September 25th for an informal. coffee hour. The teachers interchanged ideas and got acquaint- | Starting January Ist, the teach-, ers of Schreiber, Marathon, Manitouwadge and Ter- ) race Bay will all be under one Regional School ne ART WORKSHOP HELD OVER WEEKEND The Terrace Bay Art Club were fortunate in secur- ing the services of Mr. John Watson of Toronto as their instructor, for a Week-end Work Shop. Mr. Watson is well qualified, since his teaching experience includes a 13 week T.V. series at Sud- bury, People with Palettes; District Leaders Institute, University of Guelph; District course, Elliot Lake Centre for Continuing Education, life drawing and landscape painting . Mr. Watson has his own studio | in Toronto, where he paints, accepts portrait commis-- sions and gives private lessons. Eleven people were enrolled here, including Mrs. Vi Kelly of Nipigon and Mrs Lorna Brown of Red Rock. (Cont'd on page 8)