AUGUST 22, 1968 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 Oe as FY Zi ey ( : (UGUST 24 th. BX OPENS: 3.30 p.m. AWARDS: 7.30 p.m.q(@@ane DOOR PRIZE er GOLF NEWS Winners of the Open Golf Tournament last Satur day were: Low Net - Ray Hansen; 2nd Low Net - Hec McLeod; 3rd Low Net - Bob Adamo; Low Ne! 2nd Nine - Bill Hanley. Winners in the first Mixed Tournament in Mara- thon were as follows: Low Net for the Talarica Trophy - Liz Burns and Hec McLeod; Runners-up - Olga Adamo and Ray Gobeil; Low Net, Ist nine - Jan Halland Len Bissonnet; Best Fishermen - Dick A delicious lunch was served at the end of and Julie Rattray. the evening. sponsored by .B.PS. & PM.W. local 665 & 1.B.E.W. local 1861 FIELD DAY Free treats ANNUALLABOUR DAY DANCE -- Terrace Bay Arena DANCING: 8:30 - 12:30 a.m. music -- ROY CORAN'S ORCHESTRA sorry, no minors allowed Free admission A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL! EST PLANET OE ae On Wednesday, August 14th, at 8.30:p.m., many of her friends gathered in the Community Church basement to honor Bride-elect Barbara McMillan. Co-hostesses were Dorothy Koski, Marge Hamilton, Bea Williams, Yolande Ra- jotte and Donna Fedorak. Mrs. Helen Brooks fashioned a colourful bonnet for Barbara from the bows from the many beautiful gifts re- ceived. TO BE HELD AT THE MOOSE HALL GROUNDS os coc 10-12a.m. and >1-5e-m-__ Children, ages 1-13 Oo meas, ET ere