ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH SETTING FOR DOUBLE RING CEREMONY Nuptial vows were pledged between Mary Rose Paulette Boudreau, and Peter Anthony Murphy on June 29th at 11 a.m. in St. Martin's Chureh, Terrace Bay. The Alter was decorated with white gladiolus. riage was solemized by Rev. Father A.P. Harris, Organist was Miss Carol lepenkie. The Misses Lorraine and Claire Belliveau led a Choir of the young group of St. Martin's Sehoel. The Bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Boudreau of Terrace Bay and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy of Conventry, England. Given in marriage by her father, the bride's gown was of puff brocade trimmed at the neckline with sparkling rhine- stones, and she wore a long train veil. She carried a bouquet of deep pink roses. Matron of honour was Mrs. Clare Simms (sister of the bridep Brides Maid, Mra. Don ©'Neil and junior brides maid, Cathy Simms ( niece of the bride). They all wore formal gowns in moss green knitted nylon, with white and pink head pieces and carried bouquets of white and pink mums. The junior brides maid carried a basket of pink and white mums. _The Best man was Bassil Tomlinton from Engle and ushers were Joseph Marcella of Terrace Bay and Bart Cebrario of Sehreiber. i After the wedding ceremony, a lunch was held at the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel for the family and friends, where e@ toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Clare Simms, brother-in-lew of the Bride. A toast was also made to the Bridaf allendants by the best man. gether: The mar- The photo at left was taken at the recent plaque unveiling held in Schreiber. From 'eft to right: J.D. Bromley, How- ard Schreiber, L.R. McCuaig, Mrs. J. Corbett, Reeve F.V. Harness, Mrs. J.D. Bryson, J.E. Stokes, M.L.A.; Hon. Rene Brunelle, Prof. K.C.A. Dawson. Shown in the middle is the plaque unveiled com- memorating Sir Collingwood Schreiber. - photo by I. McCuaig The wedding cake was out by the Bride and Groom The ensemble worn by the Bride's mother was @ pale green chiffon with lace top and white accessories, and a corsage of orange sweetheart roses. : A reception wes held in the Terrace Bay Curling Lounge. Leaving the reception hall, the Bride's going-away out- fit consisted of a turquois knitted light wool dress with white accessories, and a corsage of gold roses. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Clare Simms and : i family from Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. John Boudreau from Clark- | son, Ontario; Mr. Claude Boudreau from Ottawe; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pashniek, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol, and Mrs. Don O'Neil from Fort William; Mrs. S. Tomlinson and Mr. Bassil Tomlinson from England; Miss Karen Moore from London; Mrs. Re Kenney and son from Rossport; Mr. David Robetts from Dryden; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Erickson from Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom from Kakabeka Falls; and Mr. and Mrs. W. Vezina from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy will mke their home in North Bay, Ontario. Marian and Alf Desrosiers with Sharon, Linda and Brenda, from Duncan, B.C., visited with the Dave Desrosiers family before going on to visit rela tives in Kapuskasing and her sister in Orient Bay. Lois and Joe Shubaly were here renewing acquain tances in town. Jack Todd are in town visiting the Hugh Brophy family. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE "NEWS" Due to the forthcoming mail strike, papers going out to subscribers in both Rossport and Schreiber, with be delivered to the Post Office in each of the above mentioned towns. Phose people receiving their paper froma deliv- ery boy or picking it up at Mary's Flower Shop will continue to receive them as usual. It seems, however, that the strike will affect the mailing of out-of-town subscriptions, and if so the papers will be held back until negotiations are settled.