/\ t » O 968 NEEDED BILLETS ~ YOUNG PEOPLE TAKING PLAY- GROUND LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE - - BED AND BREAKFAST ARE REQUIRED FOR THE NIGHTS OF TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 25TH, 26TH AND 27TH, FOR WHICH $2.00 PER NIGHT WILL BE PAID. WANTED GARETAKE Recreation Centre TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO APPLY IN WRITING, STATING AGE, MARITAL STATUS AND PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE, TO IF YOU CAN POSSIBLY TAKE ONE OR MORE BOYS AND GIRLS OF TEEN AGE, PLEASE CALL THE RECREATION CENTRE (3542) RIGHT AWAY! DAVID COURTEMANCHE DIRECTOR OF RECREATION BOX 460 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. J. Doyle of Terrace Bay were present at the University of Western Ontario Spring Convocation on May 31st, in Lon ~ don, Ontario, when their son, Ronald, graduated with a B.E.Sc in Electrical Engineering. Ron has accepted a position with Honeywell Control Company, Scarbor- ough, as a Systems Engineer. FOR RENT - furnished apartment. Phone 3721 eats een CARD OF THANKS - | wish to thank my friends, family and organizations who sent flowers, cards, and visited me while | was in the hospital. Your kindnesses will always be remembered. Myrtle Zaporzan i a ae , NOTICE - The Terrace Bay Community Church Ladies} Auxiliary are sponsoring a Travelling Bake Sale, fo be held on Saturday, June 22nd, beginning at 1 p.m] until all the baking is sold | Note: For those of you who are not familiar with | the term, a Travelling Bake Sale, here is a brief ex=| planation: the group sponsoring such a bake sale, i this case the Ladies Auxiliary, will have a decorated vehicle touring the town, and stopping at each _- a"