PAGE 8 O'Keefe Mixed - Cont'd from front page The final game between Terrace Bay and Schreiber is slated for Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. with the winning rink going to the Northwestern Ontario Curl ing Associations Playdowns to be held at the Port Arthur Golf and Country Club, from February 16-18 Sweetheart Bonspiel - February 9, 10 and 11th Lady skips needed to fill the 16 rinks. Come on ladies - sign up for a weekend of good fellowship - | it doesn't matter whether or not you can curl. The regular meeting of the C.P.T. committee of the Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges was held on February 4th in Schreiber. Letters of appreciation were read and considerable business-dealt with. Plans were made for a Penny Auction on February 21st at 8 p.m. Purchase of an adjustable wheelchair and two canes was authorized Safety Awards Presented - Cont'd from front page Attending the dinner from Port Arthur were Mr. A J. Coady, Accident Prevention Officer, Mr. W.J. Watkins, Personnel Officer, Mr. J.W. Looney, Regional Manager, and Mr. J.J. Durand, Opera- tions Engineer, all of Ontario Hydro. A social evening with dancing concluded the day festivities. Shown in the photo below from | to r are: J. Durand, T. Coady, Helen Durand and W. Looney TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 8, 1968 MOOSE LODGE DISTRICT MEETING Terrace Bay Loyab Order of Moose Lodge #1752 hosted a district meeting at 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 27, 1968. John Brown, Vice-President of District #7 chaired the meeting. Delegates attended) from Sioux Lookout, Marathon, Atikokan, Port Arthur, Fort William, Beardmore, and Terrace Bay. At the conclusion of the regular business meeting, a cabaret lunch was served by the Women of the Moose. Dancing was enjoyed by all to music supp= lied by H. Gellert and A. Bourk. Legion of the Moose held a breakfast for members and their ladies on Sunday, January 28, followed by a regular business meeting . MRS. AUDREY FERGUSON HEADS ART CLUB The Terrace Bay Art Club held their election of officers on February |, with the following results: President - Mrs. Audrey Ferguson, Vice-president - Mrs. Louise Kuran, Treasurer - Mrs. Gertrude Boyd Secretary - Mrs. Anne Arkison, Program Director ~ Mrs. Mary Middaugh and Publicity - Mrs. Margue- rite Bray. ' The art course in progressing well under instruc~ tion of Mrs. Middaugh, with 17 members in the class Work sessions take place Thursday evenings, with a variety of subjects, from charcoal sketching, through to the use of oil paints . nnn EEE EEE MACFADYEN'S HONORED PRIOR TO DEPARTURE The electricians and instrument mechanics com= bined their safety party with a farewell party for the MacFadyens, where they presented them with a purse of money, as well as a personal gift for each | of them. Ingrid Fournier and Barb Mendelin were hostesses at a party for Gail, at Ingrid's home. Gails' bowling team gave her a farewell gift. A mixed party, hosted by the R. Fourniers, A. O'Keefes and R.C. Cooks presented the MacFad= yens with a personal gift and gift for their new home in Prince Albert, Sask. The best wishes of all of Terrace Bay go with them as they leave. ee EEE REE ENE We used to settle our problems over coffee and igarette ow they're our problems .