PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS viata Hay its message of joy and peace ~ remain with you and yours, always. St. Martin of Tours Parish Council Catholic Women's League 'wishes for health and happiness, peace and good will, to all. Canadian /mperial Bank of Commerce Terrace Bay COMMUNITY CHURCH LADIES AUXILIARY the treasurer's report. fetter tectal alata eee sect ge ea Ce renee, : : \ The Evening Group of the Ladies Auxili- sbietas hotadngaet saab siorapsie resereuna: the I : luncheon for the Sunday School, to be held ary to the Community Church met in the A ' : : after the morning service on December 17th. Church hall on Monday evening. President y i Hot dogs, ice cream and cake will be the Mrs. Gertrude Soughton welcomed all the Gvaeu Ge ened th Mest G. a ladies to the annual Christmas meeting. a4) ee A etna Peer He Mrs. Margaret McKague took charge of the C. Ropchan, C. Hansen, M. Duriez and M. Lund: ' : : ber worship service, and her topic was Advent. ° he ee a tae pa ee Mrs. Joanne Pearen read the minutes and Y : "i SeeEee ete fe correspondence. Mrs. Marg Duriez gave CAN EDUCATION BE FUN? In Terrace Bay People Are Talking About .... CHECK & MATE -- VARIETY FARE -- OPERATION MOONVIGIL -- THE POLKA DOT DOOR -- CASTLE ZAREMBA -- HORIZON -- WILKIE COLLINS -- JANE AUSTIN -- PHOTOGRAPHY -- THE WORLD IN YOUR KITCHEN -- CIVILIZATION continued) :15... 2. save ON INCOME TAX vp to $4,000 a year may be deduct- ible for income tax urposes from your income if you invest it in a REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN while you also guarantee yourself a monthly retirement income for life. Ask me for details-- KEN WEPPLER and these are just a few of the exciting new programs now available on CABLE CHANNEL 13 . Find out how entertaining your TV set can really be through programs provided by the ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY Terrace Bay Phone 825-3277 SUN LIFE OF CANADA (ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION IS°SEEN ON CHANNEL 13, LAKESHORE COMMUNITY T.V., 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. DAILY)