November 23, 1967 GOLF CLUB(from Page 4) and much was accomplished but there were areas where improvement could be' made. In closing he thanked the directors for their help and co-operation during his term' of office. Committee reports were presented by Treasurer, A. Pattison, Entertainment, C. Campbell, Greens, J.Phill- ips, Membership, D .Desros- iers. A. Pattison took over the meeting as Chairman of the nominating committee and presented a slate of officers with the following being elected as Board of Directors for the 1967-68 season -T. Olsen, A.Pattison, D.Raf- alant, C.Wise, C .Campbell H.McLeod, T.Costa and R. Hansen. Two retiring mem- bers who did not seek re- election Jack Thomas and Dave Desrosiers were extend ed a vote of thanks for their contribution to the club. Following the general meet ing the newly-elected Board of Directors met to elect their officers for the new term. Elected were Presiden A. Pattison, Treasurer C. Wise and Secretary D .Rafal- ant. Vice-President will be T.Olsen. Committee chair- man will be named at a fut- ure directors meeting. Pres- ident elect Pattison congrat- ulated athe newly elected members and asked for their whole-hearted support so the |: club could give its members the best possible golfing facilities. He also stressed the importance of establishing: a programme for junior golf- ers. | ADDRESS i 0 I will be in your office at_ = | (| Please phone me at____- 7. a " re. | = if ' on Hi uN Sj 2 , i | MI " | "When | a Christmas money, | borrow from Avco Finance." UGrallt' Diane Ronald L. Frances Route Salesman London, Ontario Avco Finance (formerly Crescent Finance) is the place to get fast, confi- dential service when you need cash for Holiday expenses. If you are not yet acquainted with the helpful people at Avco, now is a good time. Our custo- mers receive an International Preferred Credit Card that is honoured at more than 370 Avco Finance offices in Canada and the U.S. If you already have' an Avco Finance Preferred Credit Card, use it! And have a Happy Holiday! Borrow up to $5000. Use this coupon or phone Aaa AVCO FINANCE LTD. (formerly Crescent Finance) Schreiber - Scotia Street - Phone 665 | TO: AVCO FINANCE : Dear Sir: H | would like to borrow $ 2 5 : 2 months. NAME : CITY. oe AM se ee la 2 PROV. A.M. --_P.M. on (date) (telephone no.) puso. (date)