Vol. 10 No. 35 > ae a |b au a | ae. oun F ; LUTE LABOUR HAS COME A LONG WAY SINC THE FOUNDING OF OUR COUNTRY AND SHOWS EVERY SIGN ------ OUR THANKS OF GOING FURTHER. TO THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE MADE THIS PROGRESS POSSIBLE... KIMBERLY-CLARK SAFETY SLOGAN CONTEST EIN ENE A DOE ETE IO ET Last week, Safety Slogan Winners were: Tom Relph, Teodor Kuzio, Ivan Martin, Hermanis Josus and Horst Walter. The business of preventing accidents is never- ending. It takes constant vigilance to not get hurt either on or off the job. We need to learn better how to live defensively, to always be on the alert for the unexpected. One way to do this well is suggested in this week's Kimberly-Clark safety slogan. Let's all train our- selves to always " SPOT HAZARDS AND AVOID INJURIES " TERRACE BAY NEWS Serving the District August 31, 1967 PUBLIC NOTICE - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME In accordance with the notice published by the Reeve on June 28th, 1967, CITIZENS ARE REMINDED TO SET CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR AT 2 O'CLOCK A.M., ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5th, 1967. W.. J. Hanley, Clerk Treasurer, The Corporation of The Township of Terrace Bay. COUNCIL QUOTES Representatives of Terrace Bay High School Board met with Township Council last Wednesday and presented a sketch plan of the proposed school extension and asked councils aid in securing approval of the Ontario Municipal Board for a twenty year debenture. Board president W. Farrell pointed out that vocational grants available now necessitate immed- iate acceleration of their program but also stressed that council's help at this stage places them under no financial obligation. Plant (school extension) and equipment costs under the proposed amount to $903,762. and the proposed twenty year debenture would be roughly $42,840. per year. The board figures this would raise taxes for the next twenty years by only 6.68 mills however, along with the building project is a projected staff increase of another seven teachers, another caretaker and increased maintenance and utility figures. (continued on Page 4)