Page 1+ TERRACE BAY NEWS August 24, 1967 assisted by Guy Hillier, student minister, both of Marathon . Miss Pat Quinlan of Ottawa visited Mrs .Pat Mulli- gan last week. Jack Finboggasin of Winnipeg is now with the Mulligans . Boyd Drake spent his vacation with relatives in Winnipeg. Bill Drake visited in Smith Falls with the Harry Eaton family. Mrs .Bon Sherman and family have returned from Kemptville where they visited her parents, Mr.and Mrs .S.W.Casselman. Mr.and Mrs .Joe Potvin of Fort William visited recently with Mr.and Mrs.Geo. (Bun) Scott, meeting with their daugh ter, Rev.Sister Ruth of Wawa. Mr.and Mrs .Frank McKenna and family spent their vacation with Frank's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs .Bob Taylor in Zurich, Ontario. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Rattray have with them their daughter Helen, Mrs.Ross Greenwood and her hus- band, of Toronto. Mrs .George Birch is visiting her daughter Helen, Mrs .Paul Krizan and family in Canmore, Alberta. Joe Gilmour, daughter Darlene and Mrs.Norma McKenzie of St.Thomas have returned home after visiting Mr.and Mrs.Charlie Pearson. Roger Morgan of Halifax is visiting his brothers Mike and. Bruce. Mrs. E.O'Connor of Fort William is the guest of Mrs .Bill Lidkea. Mr.and Mrs Rodney Bryson and son Kenny of Dart- mouth N.S., are visiting Mr.and Mrs .Jack Bryson . The Service in St.John's Anglican Church last Sunday was conducted by Carl Nathan, a lay reader, ROSSPORT NEWS The Misses Carol and Maxine Hubelit are visiting relatives at Wawa. Messrs . Patrick and Roger Auger were in Port Arthur on Thursday to attend the funeral of their brother and uncle, the late Joseph Auger. Mr .and Mrs .Thos.Yandon and children are home after holidaying at Chippewa Park and Kakabeka Falls. Mr .and Mrs.R.T.Kenney and Colleen were business visitors to Port Arthur this week. Mrs .Jos.King of Port Arthur is visiting the Kenney family and other relatives here. ; Mrs .Eugene Gerow's name was inadvertently om- THE PARK ! 1-4 p.m. GEO .WARDROPE PARK - LOCATED AT THE EAST ENTRANCE TO ROSSPORT. September 3rd. 1967. > 1,000. Rossport Fish Derby Draw will be made! FREE TREATS FOR CHILDREN "Children's Day" FREE - HOT DOGS - ICE CREAM - CANDY BARS AND PEANUTS Ht ay +b DS By SS - A] S\Phy aa) i 4 Honored guest at the event will be the Hon. George Wardrope adm. for adults -- a Derby ticket