Page 10 : TERRACE BAY NEWS August 24, 1967 ~C . WORKSHOP (Continued from page 1) & * e Sate ~ Maree Sardine. Dan Kotz, When you live In Ontario Dryden, alternate - T.S.Hodgkiss, Terrace Bay, 5 ' you've got a good deal going for you. J.D.Phillips, Schreiber, alternate. Attending the meeting from out of town, in addi- tion to the guest speaker were Mr.and Mrs.Reg. Doust, Harry Fisher and Stu. Bridges, all of Gerald- ton, Mr.and Mrs. Murray Jardine of Dryden. The local branches of the Unions have big plans for their annual Labour Day celebrations this year. Members of the locals are distributing tickets for free treats to children fourteen and under. Watch the News next week for complete details on this annual program. Mr.and Mrs. S. Lundberg visited relatives at the Lakehead during their vacation. A recent visitor at the Lundberg home was Mrs .Charlotte Ross of Brandon, Manitoba. Mr.and Mrs. W.Farrell and children have return- ed home after a holiday in Quebec and attending Expo. Ontario Progressive Conservative policies mean more schools, more hospitals, more highways, more opportunities for relaxation. Wages are 18% higher per capita than the national average and our standard of living is second highest in the whole world. ART CLUB NEWS The Terrace Bay Art Club will resume regular ses- sions on Thursday, September 7th at 8.00 p.m. with a business session to be held at the Art Centre. Fall plans include a course of instruction to be conducted by John Watson of Toronto. WANTED - Mature woman to work in store full time. Send applications to Box 579, Terrace Bay. LOST - set of keys in black key case. Return to News Office or phone 3747. STORK CLUB Born to Mr.and Mrs. T.Cenerelli of Schreiber, a daughter, on August 11th at McKellar Hospital . Born to Mr.and Mrs. R. Keller of Terrace Bay, a son, on August 9th. Born to Mr.and Mrs. J.R.Marsh, a son on August 22nd, at Oakville, Ontario. With the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party _ you've got a good deal going for you. @ 1 want to keep things going in Ontario. Please register me as a member of 8 the Association, RECREATION NEWS (By D.Courtemanche) Tennis Clinic - Our tennis clinic was held last Friday and Saturday, and the poor showing was a 1 D OT) Cj ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY