Vol. 10, No.23 SAFETY MEETING IN FORT WILLIAM The 52nd annual meeting of the On- tario Pulp and Paper Makers Safety Association will be held in Fort Wil- liam on June 15th and 16th. Represen- tatives from practically every company in the Pulp and Paper business in the Province of Ontario will be in attend- ance at this meeting which will be devoted exclusively to accident pre- vention and related subjects. Official delegates from the Kimber- ly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Mill organization will be A. Pattison, E. Glad, D. Stewart. and F. Soughton. The President of Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company, Mr. G.L.Car- ruthers and Vice President and Gen- eral Manager, Mr.J.C.Wig, are also planning to attend this meeting. Messrs. Carruthers and Wig will visit the Company 's operations at LongLac and Terrace Bay enroute tothe Lakehead. THIS CAMPAIGN IS FOR YOU - YOU - YOU Two things have been in the forefront of the news this past week--WAR and FIRE. Fire presents the most immediate danger in this area though the present rain does alleviate the dry conditions somewhat. Residents of communities to the east and west of us have been evacuated due to forest fires. This could happen to us! AIAG AVA 1867 | 1967 Officials have ascertained that most of the fires in the province (continued on page 8...) TERRACE BAY NEWS Please! Only you can prevent forest fires June 8, 1967 SAFETY SLOGAN WINNERS Winning cash awards for knowing last week's safety slogan were Albert England, Joe Campbell, John San- ' terre, Norman Boon and Bill Randa. Safety is more than word, it is a _ steady effort to see that we live our full share of time and that we tive it to the fullest extent. Safety is a series of steps down the road of life and best way to enjoy it is by being injury free. To achieve this - remember this . week's safety slogan. - PLAN AHEAD - EXPECT THE UN- EXPECTED. PROMOTIONS ANNOUNCED Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company has announced promotions of three members of local Manage- ment. John Shivas, Technical Superintendent at the Terrace Bay Mill, has been appointed Opera- ting Superintendent of a new bagasse kraft pulp mill to be built at Orizaba, Mexico. John will be associated with Kimberly-Clark de Mexico and although he is not expected to start working in Mexico until mid July he is already devoting full time to his new assignment. Barry Stephen has been appointed Technical Superintendent, replacing J. Shivas. Carl Gorham has been appointed Technical Assistant to the Pulp Mill Superintendent, replacing B. Stephen.