TERRACE BAY NEWS | DEDICATION SERVICE AT ST.ANDREW' S St.Andrew's United Church observed a Dedi- . cation for Mission: at the morning service on May 28th, with special offerings presented to Mrs.George McBride, president of the Women's Missionary Society. The various groups, accompanied by their leaders, entered the church in procession--Mrs . R «Macadam with Mrs.Harvey McCanna, Mrs. Hal Frommann and Mrs .George Gordon--their offering given by Barbara Glad, the Explorers led by Mrs .Roly Gander and Mrs.E.C . Prinselaar their offering given by Debbie Smith--the Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides led by Mrs .Melvin Glad and Mrs.Ross Hill, their offering presented by John Bromley and the C.G.1.T. led by Mrs. Tom Whent, Mrs.Douglas Bennitz and Mrs.Jim Smith, their offering given by Wendy Weaver-- the junior choir offering presented by Clyde Gordon. In his address Rev .Prinselaar pointed out that we are all missionaries carrying the message of our faith, not by church attendance only but in our every day life. The offices of the Church and its services are for refreshment and inspira- tion--the real work more often being done in the outside world where the strength of our pro- fessed beliefs are judged. REORGANIZED SCOUT GROUP COMMITTEE The recently reorganized group committee to advise and co-ordinate the scouting movement in Schreiber has the following members:- David Harrison, chairman - Walter Murphy, vice-chair man - Mrs.Gerald Banning, treasurer - Mrs. Paul Cebrario, secretary - Mrs.Omer Matte, Badge secretary - Roland Gander, property chairman. The Clergy, all honorary members and active when possible, are Rev.J.M.Cano, Rev.E.C.Prinselaar, Rev. R.J.Inshaw and Mr.» M.Lawrence of Schreiber Gospel Mission. Other members are Joe Speziale, Mrs .David Harrison and Barry Harper. The next big events on the calendar of activities are the Camporee in Marathon on June 10 and the Father & Son Banquet on June 14. Leaders this year for Cubs & Scouts are - Scout Master Russell Campbell, Asst.Leaders, Edgar LeBlanc, Leonard Huard and Mike Cos- grove - Cubs - Seeonee Pack - Ray Cook Akela, Giovanni Cebrario, Janice Fournier with Mi chael" McGuire taking training for cub instructor badge; Panther Pack - Doris Gauthier, Akela with Isabel Perras, Pat Moore, Sharon Lamoureaux, Milly Glad and Sandra Ross with Lawrence Madge training for his instructor badge. DISTRICT DEPUTY VISITS RUBY REBEKAH LODGE Mrs.Bern Whent and Mrs.Jean Fisher presided at a meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge when Mrs . Iris Brodie, D.D.P., of District 41 and a delegation from Sapphire Lodge of Fort William were welcomed. Mrs .Brodie was escorted into the Lodge Room and introduced by Mrs.Mavis Slater, P.D-D.P. During the meeting Mrs .Brodie presented a Travel ling Gavel which symbolizes the encouragement of more visiting between Lodges. The Gavel will be returned in September to a lakehead lodge. Mrs.Chris Morris of the C.P.J., reported on the recent Penny Auction and a donation was made to the Canadian Bible Society. The first nominations for a new slate of officers were accepted. An interesting account of her year's activities as D.D.P. was giv en by Mrs. Brodie. Following the meeting members enjoyed a Penny Auction arranged by Mrs.Ilene Williamson and Mrs. Beth MacAdam and the lovely lunch served by Mrs. Mavis Salter's committee . Mes .Lottie Kay of Fort William visited with Mrs. Forbes MacAdam last week. Geo and Joy Riley, Ralph and Dorothy Hewson attended the District Kinsmen Convention in Kenora. Mrs .Joe Molinski of Vancouver is visiting her sis- ters, Mrs.Peter Sparkes and Mrs .David Nesbitt. Peter Halonen of Ottawa who is visiting-his father and sisters, will go on to attend his daugh ter, Judy's, graduation from Port Arthur General Hospi- tal School of Nursing. Mr.and Mrs.Jim Gild (nee Polly Bottomley) and family of Port Arthur spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.Norman Bottomley, visiting others in the family also. This is Mrs.Gild's first return to Schreiber since 1951. The Brownies will hold their annual cookie day | this year on Saturday morning, June 3rd.