May IL, 1967. WEEKLY REPORT FROM THE SCHREIBER DETACHMENT OF THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE Corp. M. Kulmatycki, Detachment Commander, Schreiber Provincial Police, reports 252 duty hours served, and 3,413 miles patrolled between April 23 and April 29. There were three property damage accidents reported, 29 vehicles given safety checks, 11 motorists warned and seven charges laid under the O.H.T.A. Seven transients were given assist- ance in meal tickets from the Schreiber Transient and Welfare Fund. This fund, which has been admin- istered by the police for years, frees the residents from giving lunches at the door, by simply advising the "asker" to go to the police station where aid will be furnished if necessary . LIBRARY NEWS Among some of the many new books into the Library is the 10 book series 'The Story of Civilization" KOLESAR'S SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE BAY, ONT. PHONE 3327 MOTHERS DA May we suggest _--_______ e@ LINGERIE ¢ GIFT FROCKS e GIFT BLOUSES @ HANDBAGS, GLOVES, NYLONS BULKY - PULLOVER - COMPLETE STOCK TERRACE BAY NEWS MONOFILAMENT LINE and) SPOONS - Red & White /QHG ~ MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! wacies swearces CARDIGAN 0% off Page 5 beginning with ,"The Story of Philosophy " up to the age pf'Voltaire! by Will.and Ariel Durant. ' "To Every:Thing There Is A Season: by:Roloff Beny:) During the féur years in which this book took shape in his mind,.-he traversed the length-and breadthcof: this continent, 'encountered it from thé ait and more intimately while travelling on horseback: by. auto- mobile and across water, in all seasons of dramatic extremes. The result was a truly beautiful. photo- graphic record of Canada. Donated'by Mr.°& Mrs: John D. Eaton to libraries across Canada as their Centennial project. - A Listing of Centennial Events, Celebrations and Projects - in every community in the province of Ontario during 1967. Plans for six spring assemblies to be convened by the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario have been announced. They will be held on May 13 in London, Hamilton, Etobicoke, Ottawa, North Bay and Marathon. The assemblies.are con- vened each year to study affairs of the organization, and to consider reports and motions presented to. the provincial board of directors at the Easter board meeting - 100" ¥ De; SPOOkS ¢ = 1 zy CLUBS - BAGS - CARTS - SHOES - UMBRELLAS - ACCESSORIES GOLF BALLs ' $) + | special 3/¥4. GARDEN GLOVES Cotton - White 3 pr. /$1.