ei See Ny SEAN PAAR i SO ba al col NUN AED hage lps ees AES I Nn a le Su aaa SU SAMs PR a ease a AN ---- * A, ~ : Dresswell's all-new "TEAMCU dry- i atin -- . : DRESSWELL'S cleaning ystem guarantees you the | ; brightest whites and colors with ab-.o : lutely no shrinkage. Decorator fol at no DR APERY extra cost. Unlined Drapes Lined Drapes | | PROCESS = 6. 7a | SALES & SERVICE Electrolux 4, sstexy - tastes -- VACUUM CLEANERS _. FLOOR POLISHERS ... ETC. E. FORTIN - LICENS&D DEALER Write to Hox 586 Terrace Bay or Phone 3613 ee cee a tia ae ae Ee ea { m CALENDAR * 1 ER | OF EVENTS Kiwanis Club ir { BADMINTON - Mon. & Wed. nights High School o es . ART SHOW - Voyageur Restaurant ART CLUB-Thursdays at 8 pem. Old Curling Lounge TERRACE BAY BAND PRACTISE - Sunday, 8 pem. KIWANIS CLUB DINNER MEETING - Tuesday, 6.30 pom. Hotel COMMUNITY CHURCH AUXILIARY - FASHION SHOW - April 27 - Hotel EASTERN STAR PENNY AUCTION - April 26 - 8 pom. Masonic Hall CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING ~- Wednesday, April 26, 7.30peme HISTORY MUSEUM PLANNED e Grade 7 class of the Public School are going to have a History Museum. If anyone has any old items, we would be very pleased to display them. Contact Wendy McMillan 3642, Pat Megraw 3372, Donna Chapman 3289 or Marianne Zwir 3291 who will pick up your items. All exhibits will be safely looked after and returned after the display has been | Small meeting room, Recreation Centre. viewed. SCHREIBER SCOUT & CUB BAKE SALE ~ 2-5 pem.e United Church a ee eee ee nny ee SEAL FUND BOOSTED BY MARATHON GROUPS STUDENT-PARENT MEETING (from Page 2) On April 2, Marathon Mothers All Stars, Mara- thon Minor Hockey Association, Marathon Old vi itt Pio tte, Mrs.W. Pal Parone Homan teas Dus? b-Prquerte. Nee Timers and Marathon Mercuries staged a Hockey Corrigan and Mr. J.K MacDonald, Feild, ask aaa dal eae th DONALO J. RITCHIE Benefit. The proceeds of the games ' Hae : . et eee were divided between the Easter Seal other things, that the Student Council 209 ARTHUR STREET PORT AnTHUm ONTAMO Fund for Crippled Children and the Bus. 345-6251 Retarded Childrens' Association. Res. 345-7574 Laura White, "Timmy", was given the honour of dropping the puck to open the hockey contests. The four clubs mentioned above asked to have a cheque for $169.07 forwarded to the Terrace Bay Kiwanis Easter Seal Fund. write to different businesses soliciting money . Mrs. N. Vienneau is baking buns and selling them. The Grade 8's are paying for the ingredients and all the profit goes towards our trip. If you HEY MR. FARMERS would like some fresh baked buns, DONT DESPAIR - JUST GIVE please phone Mrs. Vienneau. See ee We are also selling Hockey Pool tickets for the Knights of Columbus on the game Thursday, April 27. If you haven't already bought tickets, contac any Grade 8 student who will sell them to you. With the kind permission of the Town Council, the Grade 8's will be selling Laura Secord chocolate bars door to BOYS - like an outside job? Want to earn as you learn? If you are 17 by next July Ist., you can be a junior forest ranger and spend an interesting summer. For information, write to the Department of Land and Forests, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. decor shortly : Water stains on furniture can be removed with, | Telephone - ' . 'hot vinegar, Rub over the spots, dry and Schraiber 640 @ } polish with furniture polish or linseed oil. r wey wy Ae y f 'To remove water spots from varnished furniture ; or 332 Pe use ammonia water, followed by furniture polist| - . ad ipa iat Some = = 4 °