April 6, 1967 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 3 f WS TERRACE BAY Phone 3833 ae COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Ue LIMITED NEW OFFICE HOURS Monday - 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday - 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday - 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. Friday - 9.30 to 11.30 am Tuesday - 2 to 4 p.m Friday - 2 to 5 p.m "Ub terract Bay News Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, os Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825- 7° Deadline for advertisements is NOOK each Mondey ~ other itemsa Tuesday Morning. s Classified ads - minimum cherge 509 (20 words and under). Cards of thanks and ennouncements - minigun charge $1 - (30 words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. ca Are you a mature MOTORIST? @ use your seat beits even on short runs. Donald Beno Insurance Phone 195 NOTARY PUBLIC Schreiber NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING COSTS YOU LESS PER READER THAN ANY OTHER ADVERTISING MEDIA AND REWARDS YOU WITH SURER, FASTER RESULTS! LET US SCORE IN SALES FOR YOU! FOR SALE - practically new, one First Communion dress, nylon lace, 3 tier skirt, size 7, complete with veil. Phone 684 Schreiber. Authorized as second clase mail by the Post Office Department, Ottewa and for payment of postage in cash. | BICYCLE REPAIRS - House 477 Superior or phone ao FOR SALE - 2-houses selling for Less than the price of one. Clean and well kept. Phone 205 Schreiber . FEMALE HELP WANTED - Part-Time, Terrace Bay Community Credit Union , office experience pre- 'ferred, Write to Terrace Bay Community Credit Union , Box 488, Terrace Bay stating name and qualifications. Closing date for applications - April 17. BAR STEWARD REQUIRED - for Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 109, Schreiber, Ontario. Starting rate $300. per month plus dry Canteen. Must be available for duty May Ist., 1967. Applications will be received by the undersigned up until April PP IoG : HELP WANTED - Summer employment, women to bake pies, also kitchen help required. Apply by letter or phone 3771, Voyageur Restaurant. : CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank Dr. Pear- son and staff of Port Arthur General Hospital. Also, all those who sent flowers, gifts and cards during my } stay in hospital. : W.E. Collinson, Vi Fedorak. Secretary . NOTICE - The annual meeting of the Terrace Bay |} Ladies Curling Club will be held on Monday , April | 24th at 8 p.m. in the Curling Club Lounge." FOR SALE - one newly constructed 3-bedroom home, full concrete basement. Oil fired furnace. Large living room done in modern Surfwood with large picture window. Exterior done in life time aluminum siding with stone trim. Aluminum doors and windows Nice garden at the back. Concrete sidewalks. Phone 464, Schreiber or call at 309 Wa Iker Street. During its April Campaign, the Canadian Cancer Society seeks $4,767,500. to finance research and services to patients. Do what YOU can to fight can- cer. Have a check-up and send a cheque to the Canadian Cancer Society. 3 DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢ PER LOAD Hours 1 = 4p.m. Mon.through Sat. aay EM 8 LB. LOAD - - $2.00 LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for ity Superior Coin Laundry & Dry Cleaning nee REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825 -9787