March 16, 1967 TERRACE BAY NEWS MINOR HOCKEY NEWS (cont'd) Terrace Bay then played Fort Frances and won with a score of 6-4. With the Lakehead winning two straight PAZ ON BRIDGE Both Vulnerable i East Deals games they now go to Kingston for the NORTH Centennial Tournament Finals. Our ae cee Midgets played quite well and the gel boys ;have done a wonderful job. sai oes oe The boys commented on how well the | s76 S42 H743 H 82 Lakehead had treated them and on the | 5 iy to643 rhis ACROSS 32-Residence a6. Amer CA32 CQJsi09 1-Pain 33-In what eee" SOUTH §-Male sheep 5, manner 57-Heraldic SAK93 8-Knocks 34-Barracuda bearin 12-Pronoun 35-Number DOWN oo 13-Guido's high 36-Succor DQJ7 note 37-Tipping 1-Husband of CK87 14-Verve 88-Heavy cord Gudrun 8 15-Ordinance i ' er THE BIDDING: -S -Paren - 2 flere i (eaten) i Printers South West North East time oe oe meee _- _ _ Pass ot Te 44-Above and 6-Wolfhound 2NT Pass 3C Pass 21-Above touching 7-Deface 3S Pass 4S Pass 23-Symbol for oe eae ed scale Pass Pass - beverage ae 47-Goliection of 10-Simflar™ OPENING LEAD: DIAMOND 26-Entangle ' teeeboke ip FOUR ee 51-Preposition We have mentioned in _pre- 30-A state 52-Pollution vious columns, the artificial two (abbr.) 55-Pilaster club response to partner's open- 11-Projecting IN} Vv] ing one no trump bid. If you ee > |O}9} remember, at that time we acidic stressed that the opening bidder ii -Latwe casks would play the hand and thus oo Rarent. NTO) receive the opening lead in the i <colloa.) [olny closed (strong) hand. This con- erage De) ventional bid can be extended 26-Carpenter's |} to be played at all levels of no ithe: a trumps openings such as our #5-Greek letter bl StH example. South has 22 high Saree : " aang Tove BHO card points and opens the bid- device ding with two no trump. North yagi a hahaa has a weird distributional hand currency 40-Make 1n-Body" of with only four high card points 33-Hasten amends water and would prefer to play game 34-Walk 46-Sea eagle : h : 36-Three- 41-South s0e eiiiet in one of the majors. His three banded American 50-Demon club bid indicates a preference armadillo rodent 51-Evergreen : 37-Greek 1s Lates rey for majors and asks partner to ie ae una sag ruibet for bid a four card major if he 39- - Be * Bashan premium a tmaionitiod holds one. Should his partner not have a four-card major then the hand would have to be played at three no trump. South's bid without the major would be three diamonds, but since he holds four spades he can comply with partner's re- quest easily. Game is assured as the North-South pair has the normal twenty-six points and has at least nine spades be- tween the two hands. West's opening diamond lead would be critical to the game try at no trumps. If East wins the dia- mond with the king and switches to clubs, any South at three no trump would certainly be down two. However, because of the convention. our North-South can easily wrap up twelve tricks and a good score. q % <I 3 se, 5 RX Page 13 enjoyable time they had. Sunday morning, March 5, Husky Gas & Oil Company treated the boys to breakfast at the Royal Edward Hotel and appreciation is extended to the Lakehead Tournament Committee for all arrangements made. KIMBERLY-CLARK 'SPIEL HELD The Kimberly-Clark Trophy Bonspiel held over the weekend has been claim- ed the most successful held for this prize honor. Twenty rinks entered for the mixed event and stiff competition was displayed before the winners of the three events could be acclaimed. The J. Chapman rink of Mary Hale, B. Randa and G. MacDonald took first place over R.Piche with Aggie Sinkins, M. Packalen and Mary Claire Kennedy in the A Event. B Event winners R. Thompson with P. Wellings, J.Shubaly and M. Desormeau held R. Gavin, A. Sinkins, D.Rafalant and A. Makala to second place. H.Mc- Leod, S$. Duquette, G. Churney and P. Phillips were C Event winners over J.Teniuk, M. Dashkewytch, F. Ander- son and V. Kennedy. Congratulations to everyone in the Bonspiel and we look forward to an even better bonspiel next year . CURLING NEWS Men's Curling Club champs this year are Ken Johnson rink of C.Knauff, B. McKie, and M.Osmar. This was decided after the first three games of the past draw. An impressive 220 point over runner up Len Crockford, B.Mac Donald, E.Belliveau and G. Dakin with 165-1/2 points. Three teams - Crockford, McLeod and Guillet were all close contenders for the runner up position. The next draw for division winners is going to include some good curling. The Third's Bonspiel comes up on Saturday, March 18. So far only six teams are entered and deadline for see Page |5