November 10, 1966 NOMINATIONS The Corporation of the Township of Schreiber - NOTICE is hereby given to the Munici- pal Electors of the Township of Schreiber in the District of Thunder Bay that in compliance with the statutes in that behalf | require the presence of the said Electors at the Town Hall Auditorium (basement) at the hour of 7 o'clock p.m. on the 2Ist day of November, 1966 for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office(s) of |. REEVE 2. Public School Trustees (two required) 3. Office of Councillors (two required) 4. Commissioner of Hydro (one required) for the Township of Schreiber, of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves according- ly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices are nominated, and make the required declarations, polls will be opened in the following place: The Municipal Town Hall Auditorium (basement) on the fifth day of December, 1966 and ,will be opened from nine(9) o'clock a.m. until six (6) o'clock p.m. and no longer. NOTE: Advance Polls will be open on the following dates: December Ist, Dec- ember 2nd, December 3rd, 1966. Given under my hand this second(2nd) day of November, 1966. G.Walter Robson, Clerk, Township of Schreiber. Mr.&Mrs. Harry Myers, Mr .&Mrs. Elroy Zempke with daughter Shirley and son Kim of Wausau, Minn. spent the TERRACE BAY NEWS Bridge Vul: N-S East (D) NORTH $932 HAQJ6 DQ8 €K1098 EAST $1085 H1052 DAT764 CAJ2 SOUTH SAK6 HK984 DK5 CQ754 THE BIDDING: South West WEST DJ10932 C63 North East Pass Pass Pass 1NT Pass 2C 2H Pass 4H Pass Pass LEAD: DIAMOND KNAVE This week's deal shows the ar- tificial two club convention after no trump. This convention has wide popularity among tourna- ment players and it is easy to see why. North's hand has 12 high card points and coupled with the 16 to 18 in partner's opening bid, he can clearly see game and rule out slam. But North would prefer tn play game in hearts rather than in no trump because of his double- ton diamond. His bid of two clubs over the one no trump opening asks partner for a four- card major, Q x x x or better. 'South responds with two hearts to show his four hearts and North carries on to game. If South had no four-card major he would respond two diamonds, also an artificial bid. In using this artificial bid even if you cannot find a fit in the majors you have lost nothing by using it for you can generally retreat to no trump. In the play of this hand, the knave of diamonds is led, East wins with his ace and returns a little diamond, South winning with the King. South can see another three possible losers; a spade and two clubs. He draws trumps and plays a small club to the king. At this point there is no way for East- West to defeat the hand as South is intending to finesse through the club knave in the East Hand. Why East? A count of the hand reveals West began with two clubs and East with three, therefore, there is a better chance of finding the honours in East. Page 14 weekend with Harry and Robin Hart. ROSSPORT NEWS ' COSTUMES WIN PRIZES Winners of the costumes the children wore at the Hallowe'en party at the hall were: Fancy- Ist- Alice Bouchard, a bride; 2nd -Cathy Gerow, a fairy; Original - Tommy Bouchard, a stump; 2nd-Anita Bouchard, o Penguin; Comic - Ist-Naomi Yandon, a tramp; 2nd-Anna Bain, a pussy cat; Judges were Mrs.Rouble, Mrs. Yandon, Sr., Doug Hunt, and Felix Legault. Geo. Spence Jr. was master of ceremonies for a concert prepared by the school' children which included Beatle music, . vocal solos and duets, recitations, guitar solos and folk dances. Mr. & Mrs. W.Schelling left Sunday for a Detroit holiday. Mr. &Mrs. Mac Hubelit returned Tues. from a holiday with relatives in Winni- peg and Sheho, Sask. Messrs. Wm. Molinski and son Lorne were business visitors to Port Arthur Wednesday . Rev .Father Maurice S.J. of Port Arthur said Mass at Pays Plat Mission Sunday . ALTAR SOCIETY MEETS Mrs.Herb Legault, president of St. Berchman's Altar Society hosted the members at their monthly meeting on Thursday evening. Following open- ing prayer the minutes were read by Georgina Lespanski and the financial statement by Agnes Legault. The annual chicken bingo was arranged for December and names were drawn for the gift exchange at the Decem- -ber meeting. The secretary reported that material has been received for bazaar articles and penny auction projects. Following closing exercises lun- cheon was served.