September 15, 1966 STOP BOTH WAYS FOR SCHOOL BUSES When a school bus is stopped and its red lights are flashing, a motorist approaching the school bus from the front or overtaking it from the rear, must stop and must remain stopped until the red signal lights on the bus are no longer flashing. EFFECTIVE NOW. CLEAR VIEW The windshield and the windows on either side of the front seat must afford a clear view of the roadway and vehicles ahead and to the sides. The rear window must afford a clear view of the roadway and vehicles behind, unless there is an outside rear-view mirror which does afford this clear view. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1966. UNNECESSARY NOISE A person who drives a motor vehicle and causes it to make an unnecessary noise commits an offence. EFFECTIVE NOW. INTERNATIONAL DRIVING PERMIT Any non-resident of Ontario, who is the holder of an International Driving Permit, may operate a vehicle in Ontario. EFFECTIVE NOW. BREAK IN (Continued from page 1) casts of clearly visible footprints outside the win- dow and tools used to break open the small safe were checked for fingerprints. It is believed that insurance will cover any loss and damage to property. Don Wilkinson, proprietor of the Schreiber Sport Shop reported that nothing was taken from his dis- play of firearms and hunting equipment. For two days he had used the large meeting room in the Centre to display several thousand dollars worth of equipment. en SCHOOLS (Continued from pagel) Principal Ray Kenney reports that enrolment in St.Martin's School this year is 249. Mrs.Ruth Mitchell and Mrs.Barry Stephen will teach Kin- dergarten half a day each and other staff members are E.Macadam, Mrs.L.Shubaly, J.Carty and Mrs .Gunn. Enrolment at the Public School is 266 and staff members are:- Kindergarten, Mrs.Husser, Grade 1, Mrs.West, Grade 2, Miss Montgomery, Grade Terrace Bay News REMINDER TO MOTORISTS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT. Page 7 SIGNAL LANE CHANGES When changing lanes, you must signal such change. EFFECTIVE NOW. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LOADS The gross weight of a trailer, other than a semi or pole trailer shall not exceed 32,000 pounds; and the weight on one axle shall not exceed 18,000 pounds; and if the axles are less than 8 feet apart, the weight shall not exceed 14,000 pounds. EFFECTIVE NOW. All loads on trucks must be secured, covered or loaded in such a manner that no part of the load may become dislodged. EFFECTIVE NOW. PEDESTRIANS A pedestrian walking along a highway must walk facing the traffic and as close to the left hand edge of the road as possible. EFFECTIVE NOW. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister 3, Mrs.N.Trach, Grade 4, Miss M.Desormeau , Grade 5, Mr.York, Grade 6, Mr. N.Trach, Grade 7, D.Davie and Principal D . Briscoe will teach in Grade 8 with Mrs.Joan Nugent as supply. en COURSES PLANNED FOR TERRACE BAY A numb er of courses are planned for the commun- ity of Terrace Bay for the coming months. A Choir Leadership course will be held here in addition to others in Drama, Upholstery and Music, all under the Department of Education, Community Programs Division. Other courses which will be planned if there is sufficient interest and support are Ballet, Baton Twir- ling, Home Economics and Aluminum Etching. To prepare such courses the Recreation Association needs the interest of many people and these are requested to contact the Recreation Centre as soon as possible . Nn Former Terrace Bay resident Mrs.Don Whitley re- cently sent a note to the News office containing greetings to everyone. She reports (Continued page |