September 15, 1966 David took 17 years» TERRACE BAY NEWS of love from his -- parents, first class honours from his school and $8,000 from your pockets. Then he left. David left for good. Brilliant high school student dies in car crash said the headline. All that love, all that brilliance, all that money; all gone for nothing. Automobile accidents kill more young Canadians than anything. More than disease; more than all other accidents put together. It costs some $8,000 in tax money just to pre- pare a student for university. A thorough high school driver training program costs $40 per student, and takes 50 hours of instruction. Small costs against the losses. All Canada Insurance Federation on behalf of THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE INDUSTRY The automobile insurance industry promotes young driver training. Bursaries, text books and free instruction are given to high school teachers. They in turn teach the students. The industry also awards cash discounts on auto insurance premiums to students who pass the course. Driver training isn't a frill. School boards with experience know it's a proven method of reduc- ing accidents. Urge and back high school driver training in your community. Keep the Davids with us.