TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol.9, No.34 Serving the District August 25, 1966 Councillor D.Desrosier presents awards to Jeanette Labbe of Red Rock and Jim Ross of Marathon. Photo G.Whiteley % Photo by G.Whiteley Jeanette Pineault of Red Rock RED ROCK WINS DISTRICT SWIM MEET AM | AS CAREFUL AS | CAN BE? With around 105 points to Terrace Bay's 65, Red Rock avenged the defeat suffered in a recent North Shore district fastball championship. The sport in question last Saturday was swimming, with teams from Red Rock, Terrace Bay, Marathon, Manitou- wadge and Wawa participating. W.Meuller of Red Rock was official starter, J.Cumming of Ter- race Bay was announcer and the recreation directors of Marathon and Red Rock, Del Earle and Keith Svenson, with Michael Evans-Smith of Terrace Bay, acted as timekeepers and judges. _ The trophy was presented to Jeanette Pinault, coach of the victorious Red Rock team while indi- vidual trophies for outstanding performance were presented to Jeanette Labbe of Red Rock and Jim Ross of Marathon. The awards were made by Coun- cillor D .Desrosier of Terrace Bay. Last week five Kimberly-Clark employees won cash awards for knowing the weekly safety slogans, but five others did not. The winners included Henry Bain, Raymond Salesse, Paul Rochon, Elmer i Persson and Irene Edmond. } Will you be prepared with the right answer this t week? Why not memorize it and win yourself a prize. REMEMBER THE SLOGAN - "AMI AS j CAREFUL AS | CAN BE?" f WATER CARNIVAL ON AUGUST 3 1ST The final swim programme of the year will be in the form of a water carnival, to be held at the Swimming Pool on Wednesday, August 31st, at 2:00 p.m. There will be water hockey, a rescue continued 4 4 Continued page 8.....